Status: incomplete

Secrets In The Emergency Room.

Chapter 4

The nurses papers said
'Dear Nurse Fhare,
Patient~ Avery Header
A problem with blood stream detected, the problem is unknown. Seems an unknown ingredient has been added to blood to cause depression and may have other affects. Keep subject in hospital until death or result/cure is found. Permission is granted to keep body for science once death has come upon subject. Thought is final.
Liam Pulare'
I gulped around the huge lump in my thick throat. The rest of the papers were results of my blood tests; I didn't need to be brilliant to know its getting worse. And i know that I am not staying trapped in this hospital for the rest of my life!! I look at Ryan to make sure his mood is fine. He look a little worried and i saw him pull a pill bottle out of his pocket pouring two into his hand.
"What is that?" I ask just as he was about to put them in his mouth.
"They're pills to keep my heart rate slower and my moods calmer." He says and swallows them.
"Okay." I say and pull the AVI out of my arm and stick it in my empty water cup. I grab a Band-Aid and stand up. My wrist was in a cast and foot didn't hurt that much since my older brother used to pick on me and wrestle, so I'm used to pain. Also I'm strong and i endure the pain rather than cower away from it.
"How did you get in?" I ask him as he studies me to make sure I'm okay.
"I'm fine, how did you get in, come one, we need to do this fast!" I say to him and he says back
"Through the window but i don't think you'll be able to jump that height without braking your ankle and other wrist." He says sadly. I think about our possibilities and come up with a plan.
"I'll say that i left my bracelet in the downstairs bathroom. You'll go out this window and meet me under the bathroom window. I'll jump and I'm pretty sure you can catch me since it's only about three or four meters." I stare at him.
"Don't worry, i can definitely catch you and that's a pretty good plan. My car is just across the patch of grass outside. I could carry you if you can't run." He said.
"Okay, then it's a plan. Okay, the bathroom window is the one directly below mine." I say. He kisses me quick then turns toward the window. I notice it's raining. He sits on the windowsill then prepares his feet for the impact just before he jumps. I look out quickly to make sure he's alright. He waves me off and i grab my stuff and go. I make my way towards the elevator when one of my nurses stops me. Shit.
"Where are you going!?" She asks surprised as she tries to pull me back to my room.
"I forgot my bracelet in the downstairs bathroom, I'm just going to grab it." I say and try to continue walking. She stops me again, crap!
"I'll go get it, you go back to your room, right now." She says and i decide to be rude just for the fun of it.
"No! my great grandmother got it for me and i don't trust you with it, I'm going to go get it, i don't give a shit about what you say!" I say stubbornly and stomp off acting as angry as i can. She realizes that it's not worth the energy and glares at me before turning away. I smile on my way down the hall. I get to the elevator and is relived that no one else is in it. I press 1 and the doors close. i walk to the washroom and lock the door behind me. I climb onto the low windowsill and see Ryan nodding with his arms open. I smile and jump. I feel the air for a second then Ryan's arms are holding me tight. His legs wobble a little bit but stay standing.
"Thanks so much! You are truly amazing" i say to him as he puts me on the ground and i kiss him on the cheek
"No problem, that's what lovers do. Now, are you okay to walk or do i need to carry you?" He asks me. i test all my weight on my one leg and it hurts like hell but i know i can handle it so i say
"I'm good to run, let's go!" But then i hear voices and running footsteps, the voices get louder quickly. I hear them say
"Yeah, i saw him over here, come on!" I full out sprint to where i see Ryan's old black car.
"No, run over there, away from the car, into the trees, I'll find you, we need to split or we're dead!" He whispers in my ear and i run the opposite way. i sprint through the pelting rain and try to stay close to the trees. I hear thunder around me and i realize this isn't a 'grass patch' as he said; it's a field. A really big field with trees scattered around the edges. My leg burns from the pain as tears run down my cheeks but i still keep up the pace, never slowing. The voices are gone and i know I'm safe. I slow to a walk. The thunder booms and the lightning crackles. I feel the rain splash upon my face and the mud splattering my shoes. My wet hair drips down my back and my clothes become heavy from the water intake. My mood drops to a level colder than the weather. I stand in a field and begin to cry. Why? I don’t know why I am, i just know I need to cry, right now. I feel like all my mixed emotions are spilling out of me and hitting the cold ground I’m standing on. I collapse onto my knees and let the tears take over. I look around and i see Ryan's car, i run out to it and see him unlock the doors. I jump in the front seat and say
"Not to your house, not to my house, then where?"
"We'll check into a hotel."
"with what money?"
"This." He says and pulls out a very well hidden pouch filled with money. All hundred dollar bills.
"How the hell did you get all of this money?" I ask
"My safety stash, I've been saving money since i was 10 years old. After six years of allowances, jobs and whatnot it builds up." He says and i put it back safely.
"Well, let's just get somewhere safe and dry." I say and lean my head on the seat as he grabs my hand and says
"Don't worry, I'll make everything right again, i promise."