Status: Feedback is always welcomed

You'll Be the Poison, You'll Be the Cure

I Invite You to a World Where There is no Such Thing as Time

-------Alice POV-------

The light was bright, almost blinding. I did not want to open my eyes, but I could feel people staring at my face and it was getting very annoying. I stretched my fingers, trying to get the blood going. "She's alive!" I heard above me. Taking my time I slowly opened my eyes, the light blinded me and made me shut them right away. "Oh come on Alice open up!" I heard my mother's voice say. I groaned, and finally did open them right away my brown eyes looked around capturing faces and wondering what they were thinking.

"My dear, you took quite the fall are you alright?" I looked to see the voice belonged to Lord Ascot. I nodded, and slowly stood up, everyone's hands soon came at once to stop me if I should fall. "I'm alright, I'm alright" I said, everyone's worries were really getting on my nerve. I took a few steps, just trying to get he blood flowing again. Is it bad that I do not know how I came to be unconscious on the ground?

Lord Ascot offered his arm, I took it gladly. He lead a path through all the people who's eyes were on me, following my every step until Lord Ascot and I reached the back entrance of his house. "How about I get you a nice cup of tea, and we go talk in my study?" He asked kindly. I nodded and smiled. He walked over to a lady asked for two cups of tea to be delivered to his study as soon as possible. Lord Ascot was soon back at my side and was escorting me to his study, once there he pulled up an amazingly comfortable chair for me, which I sat down in graciously. "Now Alice, can you tell me what you were doing in the woods by that hole?" He asked looking out the window.

I sat there and picked out little twigs and leaves from my dress, trying to remember how and why I was near that hole. "No sir I do not." I said after finally not being able to come up with a reason. Lord Ascot sat down in his chair that was across from me, "You remember nothing? Nothing at all? No little detail or image?" He asked, the look on his face was almost of a pleading look.

Again I sat there, I had almost the feeling of; I didn't want to disappoint him, I searched my mind for anything. I remembered arriving to his estate in a carriage with my mother, I remember her being angry when she realized I wasn't wearing a corset or stockings. I also remember my two friends Faith and Fiona not wanting to tell me that I was to be engaged to Hamish, I remember the dancing and walking through the gardens with Lady Ascot, I remember seeing a rabbit and trying to convince the Lady but she honestly to my opinion thought I was crazy and kept talking about how Hamish was sensitive to certain foods and how she wanted pretty grandchildren.

Good for her if she wanted them but they were not coming from me! I also even remember Hamish proposing but I was so distracted by this little white rabbit in a waistcoat with a watch that I didn't get a chance to reply before I simply ran off into the woods, after this rabbit. I remember that I soon found myself near a hole, peering inside for this little white rabbit, and then I fell. And that's where the memory goes blank.

Except for eyes, I remember seeing the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. They were emerald, not green but a beautiful light emerald. I closed my own brown eyes and pictured those emerald ones. They were filled with such laughter, and such exuberance. How I wish I could remember who they belonged too.
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So hey you guys, this is the first chapter of my New Alice story, this chapter is just kind of the kick off point so it will get better! Just bear with me!! I hope you like it leave comments, questions, suggestions whatever you would like! I just wanna hear from you! Thanks! ♥MadAsaChessur