It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


I took a long drag of my cigarette, hold it, exhale. Repeat.

I was standing outside the small venue in South Philly, waiting for the doors to open. My boyfriend Alex dragged me along to see some bands. The only band I was familiar with was Bring Me The Horzion, and by familiar I mean I only know two songs.

The line is moving, so I snuff out my cigarette, and lace fingers with my boyfriend.

The venue quickly fills. Alex places a gently kiss on my cheek before heading into the crowd.

Luckily this venue had a bar inside. I take a seat, and order a beer.

3 beers later, and bobbing my head along to Bring Me The Horizon's song Who Wants Flowers When You're Dead? Nobody.

2 beers later, and their set's over. It was safe to say I was a tad tipsy, but not drunk. I could hold my alcohol well.

I pay for my beers and hop off the stool. I dig my hand into the very small pockets of my tight skinny jeans and pull out my pack of Marlboro 27's and green zippo lighter, and head outside.

The wind has picked up causing it to be a bit chilly. I place the ciggerate between my lips, and as I'm lifting the lighter to the end of it, someone bumps into me knocking the lighter out of my hands.

"The fuck man?" I say angrily.

"Sorreh', I wasn' lookin' where I was goin',"

"Yeah, yeah,"

" 'Ey,do you think I could bum one off yeh'?"

"Sure, why not, " I hand him the pack.

"Thanks, I realleh appreciate it,"

"Don't mention it," I say while lighting my cigarette.

"So did yeh enjoy the show?"

I turn to fully look at him, and no doubt it's one of the guys from BMTH.

"Yeah dude, it was pretty sick. I'm Eve by the way,"

"Olleh," he says while holding his arms out.

Trying not to be rude, I go for it.

He smelled amazing for being a sweaty mess. The hug wasn't half bad either, not to loose and not too tight.

"I realleh need a drink. I saw you durin' our set, looks like yuh know how to drink. Whadda yuh say, yuh up fo' it?"

I was never one to turn down a chance to drink.

"Why the hell not."

He leads me into the bus, and motions toward the couch where I sit down. He goes into the small fridge and pulls out two beers.

They were both gone within a minute. He got more.

Soon it turned into a game.

I could feel my brain getting slower, and my body beginning to slosh. But I didn't care. This is what I did, I drank until it was gone, and with Oli around it was never gone.

We were both laughing like idiots, falling over each other even though we were both sitting.

Our faces became close during our laughing fit, eyes connect, lips smashing together.

That's how it began, and it wouldn't stop there.

Hands everywhere. In perfect sequence. Skin on skin.

I knew where this was going. I did nothing to stop it.

I wasn't going to lie, that was some of the most amazing sex I've ever had.

Buuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Buuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I roll over and quickly get my pants and reach for my iPhone.


How quickly I sobered up was unbelievable.



"Hey! Where are you?"

"I got a headache so I went to a diner down the street," Also unbelievable how easily that lie came out.

"What's the name, I'll meet you there,"

"I already left, I'll just meet you at the car?"

"Okay, see you soon. Love you,"

"Love you too," With that my world came crashing down.

What had I done... I didn't have time to breakdown, or lose my cookies though I had the urge to. I shoved all of my clothes back on as quickly as I could.

I tapped Oli on the forehead a few times, harder with each tap until he gained consciousness.


"Where are my shoes?"

"Your wha?"

"My shoes, you tard!"

"What in bloody hell do you need your shoes fo'?"

"I have to go? Like now!"

"Did you try the door?"

The door! And with that I vanished my Oli's eyes, and his life forever. The sooner I was out of there the sooner I could forget it ever happened.
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I don't know how long this story is going to be. It could go one of two ways. Depending on how well liked it is will determine the length.

Comments are always appreciated (: