It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


I didn't have to wait too long, which I was happy about.

"So wha' did yeh need tah chat tah meh abou' love?"

Deep breath. Here goes nothin'.

"Well, from the little encounter we had earlier, you remember the night we met, correct?"

"Oh, I do," he said with a smirk stepping closer, "Anotha' round, shall weh?"

I step back. "Again, no. Something happened... I uh, hm there was a lack of contraception so we made a baby, "

Man, I sounded like a fucking idiot.

Oliver had and kept the same dumbstruck look for about a minute before I decided I would continue with my little speech.

"I know for a fact that it is your child, I've only slept with you and my ex-boyfriend, who can't have children of his own, in the past two years. I don't expect you to take me on and care for this baby, I don't want your money, I just feel like it's the right thing to do. Letting you know that you will have a child walking this earth and I plan on keeping him or her and all,"

Same look. Another minute.

I cock my head to the side a bit, confused as to his silence.

"Oliver?" I try.


"Yes, but like I said I just wanted to let you know. Now that I've succeeded in what I came here to do, and I'm a bit tired I'm going to head home. It was nice seeing you again, I hope the rest of the tour goes well for you and your band," I say kindly smiling and walk away.

I make it about half a block before I hear someone yelling,

"'ait! 'ome back!"

I turn around, and it's Oliver.

"'inally, I'm a bit out of shape y'know. I 'eard every word yeh said, and I 'ave this odd instinct to trust yeh, can weh swap numbas, I'd like tah beh kept in teh loop," Oliver states while handing me his cell phone.

"Sure, I'd like that," I say grabbing the phone and programming my number in.

"Thank yeh, I've got tah beh gettin' back now, but can I touch it before I go?"

I laugh at his random but understandable question, "Go ahead,"

I feel his hand on my stomach, and I feel this undeniable connection between the three of us, Oliver taking his hand off as quickly as he did let me know he felt it too.

"So yeah, I'll be in touch wif yeh," he says while shaking his phone and turning quickly to head off before I can say anything he's gone.

Not knowing whether he was actually going to contact me or keep in touch throughout the rest of the pregnancy and the child's life, I left New York that evening happy as ever.
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Short and sweet (:

With as much of a man-whore Oliver Sykes is made out to be, I'm curious if something like this were to actually happen how he would react?

Hopefully it goes a lil' something like we just read (: