It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


There was so much to be done before this coming Tuesday. First on my very long list was going to see the doctor, to make sure everything what was okay for me to travel. I was practically positive I would be fine, but I didn't want to risk anything.

The visit with the doctor went extremely well. Of course, just like I thought, I would be more than okay to travel. I was given a packet of information, along with phone numbers of the best obg-yn's in the Sheffield area. I was putting the rather large manila envelope inside my bag as my phone began to vibrate.

It was Oliver.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Ey', I 'ope I'm not catchin' yeh at a bad time but this is realleh importan' and it can't wait," he began.

"No, no you have great timing actually. I just got out of the doc's office. What's so important?"

"'ell, I know I told yeh next Wednesday but some things got moved aroun' and I'll actualleh be there tomorrow. I'm so sorreh for the late notice, I jus' found out meself,"

"Tomorrow? "

Shit, I thought. I was barely prepared for next week, and now I have to be ready by tomorrow?

"Yeah, again I'm so sorreh. I realleh hope yeh can still come wif meh,"

"I should be able to, I'll just have to rush a few things. What time are we talking tomorrow?"

"I shoul' be there around noonish. I'ma need your address so I can pick yeh up,"

"356 East Magnolia Ave. It's a huge apartment complex, across from Louie's Diner,"

"Across my Louie's Diner, okay got it! What's the apartment number?"

" 4B,"

"See yeh tomorrow, love," and he hung up.

I got inside my car and raced home. I still needed to wash my clothes, pack, and inform my employee's of my new schedule.

Once I got there, and grabbed as many clothing articles as possible and threw them inside the washing machine. Not worried whether they were in the specific washing groups of lights, darks, or whites.

Next, was sending out a mass e-mail informing people of my new trip information. I made it very brief but very clear of what I expected for when I come back.

I could really use a cigarette right now.

But, instead I went for a trusty piece of gum.

I was lucky though, the craving for nicotine only came when I was completely stressed out. I found this reassuring, since I wasn't just giving up smoking for 9 months, but for good. I don't want my child exposed to it.

And of course my drinking habit, I didn't plan to give that up.

Entirely that is.

Once I got my craving to subside, I spit the gum out and moved onto my next task. Since the clothes weren't done yet, I couldn't actually start packing, so I did the next best thing.

Pull out my suitcases.

Well, that took a total of 3.7 seconds.

I glanced over at the washing machine, 42 minutes left.

Christ. It's gonna be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well that was complete crap.

A filler, I suppose.

So, I didn't get the 6 comments like I wanted, but I thought 'hell, I want to update. Screw the number of comment.'

So, that is just what I did! Thank you to everyone who did comment though (: