It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


It was now 8:03 a.m. I barely slept last night. I couldn't stop worrying, not even just about the baby. Mostly going to a new country, a new continent even, where I would virtually know no one, I barely knew Oliver. Then the idea his mother would disapprove of me popped in my mind. According to Oliver, she was well aware of our situation, what mother would be warm and welcoming to a girl he son just met and knocked up? I know I wouldn't.

I rolled out of bed, and jumped into the shower, taking my time.

The water cascading down my body felt like it was washing away every worry I had during the night.

I spent an extra amount of time lather my baby belly,admiring it while doing so.

Around and around my hands were going making a thick sudsy trail, as a felt the smallest nudge pushing out.

Closing my eyes, a felt a pull on my heart.

Good. Not bad.

I rinsed off the rest of the suds and got out. I blowed dried my hair leaving it in its natural state of thick waves. I pulled on a pair of dark blue maternity skinny jeans and a black tunic.
After applying a thin line of eyeliner. I was pretty much ready to go. I had 20 minutes of so until Oliver said he would be here.

I rolled my suitcases to the door and made sure my carry-on had all my essentials for the very long flight I had ahead of me.

Computer. Check.

Magazines. Check.

Make-up bag. Check.

iPod. Check.

Phone. -

I went to grab it off of its charger, pulling the charger out of the wall as well. I kept the phone out of the bag, but stuffed the charger down the side.

Well, that's everything. I sat down, having a feeling this is the only time I would be feeling comfortable for the next 15 hours or so.

I lift my feet up on to the coffee table, but as soon as my heels meet the tables cool top my buzzer goes off.

An annoyed sigh escapes my mouth as I get up.

"Hello," I say into the speaker.

"I's Olleh! Lemme up!"

"I can just meet you down there, see you in a minute,"

"Wha? Noooooo, yer not doin' any heavy liftin' on my watch. Now lemme up!"

"Oliver, I'm perfectly fine to roll the suitcases,"

"Don' care, lemme upppppppp"

I press the door button, giving in to his demands. I chuckle a bit at our little squabble as I open my door and roll the suitcases out in to the hall.

I'm just locking the door as I hear Oliver walking up to me.

"Now, was that so hard?"

"Yes," I say jokingly.


I smile and grab my large purse that would be serving as my carry-on and lead the way to the elevator which Oliver seemed to have missed the first time around.


The ride to the airport was quiet but not uncomfortably quiet. I gazed out the window, while Oliver spent most of his time on the phone getting everything situated.

We were now in line to board our plane. Excitement was building inside me, I couldn't wait to get there.

Flight 107 to Sheffield, England now boarding in terminal C

"Here weh go, are yeh ready?" Oliver leans into to me asking.

"Never been more ready," I say as I begin to follow the man in front of me.

Next, Oliver did something I least expected. He grabbed my hand and laced my fingers with his.

I tensed up, my first instinct was to rip my hand away, I still loved Alex, and Oliver was not him.
Though, I relaxed not wanting it to be awkward and kept walking hand in hand.