It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


I felt a light nudge on my right arm. I ignored it and turned over, this only helped for a few moments. After that I started feeling a finger stroking the slope of my nose. With this my eyes popped open, and what do you know Oliver is gawking at me with his finger on my nose.

"May I help you?" I asked with an irritated tone.

"Weh landed like 5 minutes ago, yer like a rawk!"

I stretched a bit before I got up and followed Oliver off of the plane.

I didn't sleep the entire eleven hours, just the last five or so.

"Lets get this show on teh road shall weh!" Oliver exclaimed while rubbing his hands together.

Oh god, I thought before plopping down on the first class seat.

"Eve, weh don't know each otha too well,"

Way to point out the obvious, bud.

Yes, I realized I was being a complete bitch, well my thoughts were at least. It wasn't Oliver, it was our surroundings. Don't get me wrong, I loved flying, but before and right at the beginning of take off I always get very ansty and peeved.

"So lets play twenty questions! I'll start, how old are yeh?"

"Twenty-two. How old are you?"

"Twenty-three. Uhm, how old were yuh when yeh lost yer virginity?"

"Psh, getting straight to the point aren't cha? I was 16. Do you have any siblings?"

"I do, I have one brotha. His name is Tom. Are yeh from Philly or did yeh move there?"

"I am, though my heart belongs to New York City. I used to go there all the time as a kid with my father, but I could never leave Philadelphia. Was is scary leaving home when you started touring?"

"Like yeh wouldn't believe. I was eighteen years old when teh band started, neva been away from home before, but it's what I've wanted since I can rememba. Yeh mentioned yeh family, are yeh close wif em?"

"I used to be. My dad died when I was seventeen, he was like my best friend so I took it really hard. Picked up smoking and drinking, so that pulled on my relationship with my mom. We're better now, but nothing like we were before, and I'm an only child, so no siblings that I can be close to,"

"I'm sorreh about yer dad,"

"Yeah, I miss him everyday," I didn't want to dwell on it too much so I moved right on, "Anyway, Mr. Rockstar when did you lose your virginity?"

"Meh? Shit, I'm still a virgin, whatchu talkin' about?"

"Oh yeah! And I created this on my own!" I exclaimed pointing at my belly and laughing hysterically.

"Mhm! I had nofing to do wif it," he said with the most adorable smirk.



"I'm going to sleep,"

"Wha? Yer just gonna leave meh a virgin?!"

Confused at his statement, I decided I would play along.

"Sorry, I can't have sex in my current condition," I said, even though I knew it was highly possible.

"Sure yeh can. I read a woman can have sex up 'til she goes into labor. Ew, yeh know what I just thought? Wha if yer, well we'll pretend it was us, wha if we were fucki-"


"Sorreh, wha if we were making love and yer water broke and I thought yeh just creamed because I'm amazin' like that and kept goin!"

I stared at him blankly for a few seconds before I busted out laughing. I was laughing so hard I wasn't able to respond until I calmed down.

"I'm sure it wouldn't happen like that,"

"But wha if it did?"

"It won't,"

"Yer not answering the question riight,"

"It would be a lovely story if it did happen,"

"Damn straight it would, " he said mid-yawn, "I'ma nap. Night," he finished and turned over.

I pulled out my iPod and a magazine and began flipping through it.

This didn't take up much time, so I turned my attention to the movie playing on the screen.

Once the movie was over, I really had no choice but to follow Oliver's lead and go to sleep as well.

And that's just what I did.

England was cloudy, which I was expecting since almost everything I've read about England, or watched involving England the place was always so damn cloudy.

We were waiting at the baggage claim for awhile, and I really had to pee.

"I have to pee,"

"Then go, I'll wait for the bags,"

"I don't have the slightest clue as to where one is though,"

He turned around, shifting his body to the right, then to the left, and back to the right.

He held his hand up, pointer finger out and said, "Go down that way, and I think there's one on yer left. If not just ask somebody, I'll be here,"

"Okay, thank you,"

I followed the directions Oliver gave me and the bathroom was much closer than I expected it to be.

I did my business, and made my way back to the baggage claim.

I spotted him surrounded by what I assumed were fans. I stayed where I was and just smile watching him. He signed their stuff, and took pictures with them, mostly younger girls. He looked genuinely happy to be doing so as well.

He must have seen me waiting because he quickly finished up and came over to me.

"Sorreh about that,"

"It's not a problem," I replied picking up my bag and making my way out of the airport with Oliver.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love the way this story is playing out in my head haha.

The way I wrote Oliver in this chapter reminds me soooo much of my boyfriend. Lol.

Kudos to anyway who bought the Suicide Season cut up cd. I got it on Tuesday and it's pretty amazing, though a few songs are a bit long for my taste.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter (: