It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


I woke up the next morning feeling fully refreshed. I turned over and it was 4 a.m.

Damn time difference.

I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, so I managed to get out of Oliver's grasp and went to my luggage. I hate living out of a suitcase, and this wasn't living per say, but I still hated it.

I turned on the shower and got in.

I must have got lost in my own mind because I never heard Oliver come into the bathroom, or wake up for that matter.

I turned the shower off, grabbed a towel off the rack, and got out. And there he was, taking a piss of all things.

"Oh my god Oliver! Did you not hear the shower going?"

"Yeah, but I had to piss," he said groggily.

You would think someone who had just woken up and partied the night before would look utterly disgusting , but not him. Sure, he looked all morning-like, but that didn't stop my eyes from lingering longer than they should have.

He flushed the toilet and walked over to the sink.

I wanted to push him against the wall and take him right there.

I bit my lip at the thought.

"Yeh okay?" Oliver asked.

I snapped out of it, "Yeah, I was waiting for you to finish,"

"Mk, I'm goin' back teh bed, wake meh at 8?"


Oliver closed the door behind him and I began drying my hair trying to ignore the heat coming from between my legs.

After about five minutes from hair was dry and I was waiting for my hair straightener to heat up.

I pulled out my phone and checked the weather for the day.

Not too cold, but clouds wouldn't pass over until after 1 p.m.

So I pulled on light blue jeans, an undershirt, that would soon be covered by a light hoodie.

I separated my hair into different parts and began running the hotplates over each piece.
I loved my hair when it was straightened, not only was it 10x softer and nicer to run my fingers through, but it looked longer.

I was going to wait to apply my make-up not wanting it to set in too much before we actually went anywhere.

I decided I was going to stay in the bathroom until it was time to wake Oliver up. Which wouldn't be for another two hours. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with myself so I just google'd random shit on my phone.

Let me tell you, one can only google so much shit before one is bored out of their skull.
I figured it was sometime in the evening at home, so I felt now was as good a time as any to give my mom a ring.

I waited a few seconds for it to even begin ringing, and then a few more seconds before she picked up the phone.

"Eve hunny! How's England?!"

"Hey Mom, it's nice. A little cloudy though,"

"What all have you two done so far?"

"Well we got here around 5 last night, the hotel is so beautiful, I'll have to send you pictures. We went out to a buffet for dinner. Ending up stuffed and major jet lag landed me right in bed after that," I thought it was best to leave out Oliver going to a party.

"Sounds like a good first day. I'm assuming it's sometime in the early morning there?"

"Yup, a bit after 6. I woke up around 4, and now I'm waiting for Oliver to get up,"

"Don't wait on him, just wake him up,"

I laughed, "For what reason,"

"To get the day started!"

"Mom, it's 6 in the morning, there would be nothing to do,"

"Whatever you say darling. Speaking of today, what's on today's agenda?"

"I'm going to meet his parents, and that's all I know of,"

"Are you nervous?"

"A little bit, I mean it can't be that bad, and from what I've heard they're both really nice,"

"You'll be fine, you were always really good with first impressions,"

"I barely spoke to people until I was like 15!"

"Well after that you were fine!"

"Oh my goodness Ma, well I've got to go. I'll call you the next chance I get,"

"Alright hun. Good luck, though I know you won't need it,"

"Thanks, love you, bye,"

"Love you too," and she hung up.

I loved talking to her, she always seemed to make every worry go away.

I quietly stepped out of the bathroom, trying my best not to wake up Oliver. My goal was to make it around the bed and to the phone to order some breakfast without making a peep.

One step at a time.

Goal shattered.

I was just about to grabbed the phone when I tripped over something. I caught myself on the bed but still made a loud thud.

I picked up whatever was there, and what do you know, it was one of my shoes.

I looked over at Oliver, and he didn't even move.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone.

I ordered a traditional breakfast. Eggs, sausage, pancakes, toast, hash browns, and OJ to wash it all down.

I didn't plan to finish it all by myself, some was for Oliver, but if it was gone by time he got up, his loss.

Twenty minutes later someone was a knockin' on the door. I jumped up in excitement for what I knew was on the other side.

I opened the door and the guy wheeled in the cart, and left. I didn't waste any time digging in.
The smell of food must've woken Oliver up, because it didn't take long for him to be sitting right next to me.

Without saying a word, he practically shoveled the food in his mouth.

Once everything was gone, he finally said something,

"I'ma take a showa,"

I nodded in acknowledgment.

I moved my chair to an open spot in front of the mirror and pulled out my make-up bag. I wasn't going too elaborate, just simple foundation, powder, and thin eyeliner and mascara.

Unfortunately, that only wasted 5 minutes.

So, I flipped on the TV and starting searching through the channels. Nothing really caught my eye, well that is until the bathroom door opened and Oliver dripping wet and wearing only a towel was standing there. That damn feeling was back. I adjusted myself, trying a little bit too hard not to stare.

"I forgot me clothes," he said as he walked over to his suitcase, "I should be readeh in a bit, and then we can head over to my parents house,"

"Okay. How far away is it?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"'Bout 30 minutes or so,"

"Oh, that's not bad,"

"Nope," he said and went back into the bathroom.

The topic of his parents definitely helped out. I had no idea what was going on with me, almost every time he's come around it happens. Which has never happened with anybody, not even Alex.

It wasn't like I didn't feel any attraction toward him. But that's no reason to have my sexual desires go beyond a want, but it felt like I needed it.

I pulled out my phone and began what I usually do when something weird happens, google it. Which I'm sure many people do.

First I tried 'Uncontrollable Sexual Urges'. Got nothing, but pretty much, 'Get laid'.

Then I thought maybe adding my pregnancy would help.


Damn hormones not being able to control themselves.

At least now I felt better with knowing what's going on.

A few minutes later Oliver comes out of the bathroom, fully dressed and ready to go.

I grab my shoes and pull them on and we're out the door.

Luckily a man in a business suit just got out of a taxi as we walked out, so we didn't have to hail one ourselves.

We got in quickly and Oliver told the man the address.

I leaned back and made myself comfortable, trying not to think about what was ahead of me too much.

We pulled into what looked like a nice neighborhood and my heard started to beat a little bit faster. I sat up, and looked out the window. House after house, and my mind was racing. Then the cab stopped and we were in front of a white two story house. Oliver paid the man, and we got out on our respected sides. I shot him a quick look.

I was so nervous anyone within a 5 miles radius could smell it.

He smiled and said, "Yer gonna be fine, just relax," as he grabbed my hand and much to my discomfort pulled me with him.