It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


Oliver opened the door and we walked right in to his family's home. It was very quiet, which made sense since it was only 9:30 a.m.

"Mum? Dad?" Oliver called out breaking the silence.

I took this time to look around, discreetly of course. The house looked small, but then again most of the house we passed looked just as small. The foyer was open to the upstairs.

Suddenly footsteps started above us, and then a small women popped out of one of the rooms.

"Oliver! It's so good to see yeh," she said as she came down the stairs.

Once she reached the bottom she embraced Oliver in what looked like a bone breaking hug.

"Mum, I can't breathe,"

"Sorreh, I just missed yeh so much,"

"I miss yeh too. Mum, this is Eve,"

I smiled politely and before I could get a 'hello' out she had embraced me in a tight hug.

"And this must be my grandchild in here," she said more to my belly than anybody in the room.

I smiled at Oliver and then back at his mother.

"Mum, where's Dad?"

"He left to the market about twenty minutes ago. So Eve, I didn't formally introduce myself, I'm Carol, and it's lovely to have yeh here,"

"Thank you so much for having me here,"

"So is this yer first time in England?"

"Sure is,"

"Then I hope Oliver is showing yeh a good time!"

I laughed, "You remind me a lot of my mother, but we haven't done that much yet, just getting here yesterday and all. From what I've seen though, it's definitely how I imagined it."

"Look at us! Just standing in the foyer, you two go into the sitting room and I'll bring us some tea,"

Oliver put his hand on the small of my back and led me a few steps to the left. We sat down on the blue love seat, leaving the single chair for his mother.

I turned to Oliver and said, "Your Mom is so sweet,"

"She realleh seems to have takin' a likin' to yeh,"

"I'm glad," I said happily and put my hand on his knee.

His mom came back with a tray with all sorts of stuff on it for tea, along with a bit of snacks.

"Eve, tell meh about yerself. I want to know everythin' there is to know!"

"Well I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am twenty-two, uh I run my own business, well I inherited it, that is,"

"What is it that yeh do?"

"It's an advertising firm, I'm the one who over-see's all of the finances, sends out the 'yes's' or the 'no's',"

"What is it that yer company markets,"

"It depends on the client, but mostly billboards, but sometimes we do commercials, or ads in magazines,"

"Oh, that sounds like fun," Carol said excitedly.

"It really is, once all of the boring stuff is taken care of, it's a joy to be a part of."

Our conversation ended due to the front door opening and closing. We all turned to look and it was an older man, so I assumed it was Oliver's dad.

"Ian, come 'ere the kids arrived just a short while ago,"

"Hello, hello everyone,"

"Lemme take those bags," Carol said as she got up, "Ian, that's Eve Oliver's girlfriend,"

Well then.

That one sort of took me by surprise. Did Oliver tell her that, or did she just assume we were together because of the baby?

I wasn't going to be an asshole and correct her, so I stood up to shake his father's hand.

"Hello Mr. Sykes, it's a pleasure to meet you,"

"You as well my dear. So how long are the two of yeh in town?"

"Until Tuesday," Oliver answered.

"Ian, can you help me in here?" Carol called from the other room.

"Please excuse me," he said and walked out.

"Sorreh about my Mum, I didn't tell her we were datin', but I didn't tell her how we met either,"

"It's okay, I'm not sure if I want her knowing the real story,"

"She wouldn't look at yeh any differently, y'know,"

"Externally, maybe, but internally for sure,"

"I won't tell her, but if she asks I'm not gonna lie,"

"I would never ask you to,"


"Yeah," I said with an irritated and confused tone.

What the fuck was his problem. His mother thought we were together. He is the one who halfway informed her of our situation. And he's going to get pissed at me? What kind of fucked up universe am I in?

I leaned forward resting my elbows on my knees, . At this point I wanted nothing more than to go home and ball my eyes out, but the hotel would do just as well for that. Though, I knew I would have to suck it up and be a big girl, because it was Oliver who was being a dick, not his parents so they should have a non-drama filled day getting to know their future grandchild's mother.

And that's just what happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woot 9 out of 10 stars :D

So, this story is pretty much outlined to a damn T, and I'm damn well excited for it (:

Hope you guys enjoyed it, comments?