It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


Oliver's Point of View

I land on my back, panting. I stare at the ceiling waiting for my breathing to slow and my body to de-sensitize.

I turn my head in Eve's direction and her eyes are closed. My eyes gaze downward, and I watch as her chest slowly moves up and down, signally she's fast asleep.

Unlike myself, who's wide awake.

I begin to think, analyzing this.

This, being Eve and I.

What I feel for her is a joke.

Not only because she's in love with some guy, who's only God knows where,


I'm Oliver Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon. I do birds, I don't commit to em.

This, I knew was changing. And it scares me.

I liked who I was, or am?

I'm not even sure.

I rolled over, annoying thoughts in tow, and fell asleep.

Normal Point of View

I lay awake staring at the ceiling. Not sure whether I want to move or not. Oliver was snoring softly next to me, face halfway buried into the pillow. The sun was just beginning to peek through the curtains, this sparked my interest in today's weather.

I leaned over and grabbed my phone off the charger, before sliding the bar to unlock it, I noticed the time was 6:51 a.m.

Not bad.

I checked the weather, and it was supposed to reach around the 70's, sun shining most of the day.

I drop the phone next to me, still not caring to move.

I started to think about what I wanted to wear today, the outfit being more crucial seeing as our first 'family' picture was going to be taken.

Maybe Oliver and I should be somewhat matching.

With the thought of Oliver my thoughts started to drift to last night's festivities.

I wasn't going to lie, it had been great. It felt like all the tension, both good and bad, had been let go.

I got out of the bed without disturbing Oliver, and walked over to my suitcase. Flipping the top open and peer inside. Nothing was exactly standing out. I crouched down and started flipping sifting through the tops. I was sure Oliver was going to wear some sort of t-shirt and jean, so I wanted to keep the look casual as well.

I settled on a simple dark blue and white striped flowing tank and dark blue jeans. I ran my fingers through my hair, making it appear a bit neater but yet roughing it up a bit. I wasn't sure what time we were going to Tom's but I was almost certain it wouldn't be until later today.

I decided I would get ready and explore the hotel until Oliver was likely to be awake.

Walking through the hallways aimlessly, I noticed a vending machine. I could really go for some soda, I patted my pockets and of course I didn't have any money on me.

I turned around and headed back towards the room, thankfully I hadn't ventured too far.
I swiped the card and opened the door. I noticed Oliver was sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing his face, he must have just woken up.

"Good mornin'," I said.


Hm. Okay then.

"I'm really jonesin' for a soda, so I'm gonna head back to the machine, once you're all showered and what not wanna head someplace to get breakfast?"

Grunt again. Shuts bathroom door.

"I guess we'll talk about it once you're done?" I sort of ask, and more to myself than him.

I pull a few singles out of my wallet and go back to the vending machine.

Of course, once I reach the vending machine I realize I have American money and a machine located in England wouldn't accept American money. Damnit. I sigh deeply and rather loudly and sulk back to the room.

A quick sliding of the key and I'm back in the room greeted with the soft sound of the shower running.

Well at least he's getting ready, I thought.

I plop down on the love seat, grab the remote, and pull my legs under me. I settled on whatever was on, and blankly looked at it. It was a children's show. I smiled and looked down at my belly.

I couldn't wait for him or her to be out. Soon I'd be able to find out the sex of the baby. I was excited to be able to refer to the baby as something other than 'the baby' or 'it' which was rarely used.

I heard the bathroom door open, presenting a dressed Oliver.

"Mornin'...again," I say with a weak smile.

"You too,"

Odd response I thought.

"You up for that breakfast, or would you prefer room service?"

"Goin' out is fine, there is a place close by I belive,"

"Okay, sounds good,"

We pull on our shoes and we're on our way.

Once we make it out of the hotel and onto the sidewalk, I lace my fingers with Oliver's.
I looked at everything we passes, taking it all in, as I've been doing since we've arrived in England.

My mind wanders back to Alex, and I can't help but wish he was here by my side instead of Oliver. Though, he doesn't deserve to be.

"Here it is," Oliver states and leads us inside a small diner.

Inside it's very cute. Yes, cute. It looks like something straight out of a movie set in a small tight-knit town where everyone knows and loves each other.

The atmosphere made me feel warm and welcome.

"I love this place already," I say and squeeze Oliver's hand.

We sit down in a small booth by the front window.

I began to people watch as Oliver looked over his menu. I didn't bother, already knowing what I wanted.

"Yeh not eatin'?"

"No, I am, I already know what I want,"

"And what is that?"

"Pancakes with fruit on the side with a glass of orange juice,"

"Sounds good, I think I'll get the same," he said while getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"We have to place the order up there," pointing to the cash register.

"Oh, okay," I turn my head back towards the window and continue people watching.

I used to do this all the time, every time I would go out with my family and we sat near the window my attention was immediately averted to the people who were going about their everyday lives as I observed.

I found this the easiest way to get to know someone, whether they obliged or not. There is just something about someone, the way they act, their gestures, even in their stature when they think no one is watching.

"Order's up, should be here in 'bout twenty minutes,"


"Whatcha lookin' at?"

"Nothing in particular,"

"Not from the looks of it,"

"I'm just looking at whoever walks by. Some good ol' people watchin',"

"I see. So, Tom's this afternoon, yeah? Did he say if he wanted us to wear anythin' specific? I bloody well don't remember,"

"He didn't say anything to me," I say turning my attention to Oliver, "I'm assuming casual, unless you want these to be blown up into portraits, then we better go buy clothes,"

"I'd be okay with a casual portrait,"

"You Jew!" I joke.

"What?! I'm jus sayin' ! Not need to be all fancy, when we don't normally dress like that,"

"It's not about what we normally wear, it's about looking good,"

"I think we both look amazin' right now, you more than me of course," he said with a wink.

I adjusted myself seeing as I became a bit uncomfortable, " Good in casual-formal wear Oliver,"

"We'll talk to Tom later,okay?"

"Okay," and I turned back towards the window.

Once the food came we ate in silence, finished in silence, payed and walked back to the hotel in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, nor was it comfortable. It was just there, neither of us breaking, not knowing what to say. It was only about mid-day and I still didn't know what time we were meeting Tom. I wasn't in the mood to ask Oliver either. I could just hop he'd tell me, instead of walking off hoping I'd get the hint.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that this took so long to get out, I had some bad brain blockage goin' on.

I wrote this while listening to the Metal Hammer Pod cast ft Oli and Matt N.
It wasn't too bad, but wasn't that interesting either.

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