It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


I finally convinced Oliver that buying new clothes was the way to go. Tom calling informing us that the pictures would be in black and white did helped sway him a bit as well.

I bought a black flowy tank top with a white trim along the top, along with black pants.

Oliver bought just a black button up dress shit, opting to wear his usual dark skin tight jeans.

We're now walking to Tom's, supposedly it was only a five minute walk, but I swear we've been walking for at least fifteen.

I didn't mind too much, I was only worried about my make-up setting too far in.

"Here we are!" Oliver exclaims and presses the buzzer to Tom's flat.


"It's us," Oliver shouts.


Oliver twists the doorknob quickly and we were in. The inside looked like any building, very bland. Dark carpeting, white walls.

"He lives on the second floor,"

I follow him up the stairs, when I get a pang in my side. I tried ignoring it, but it happened again. The third one just about killed me. I stopped and bend over, trying to catch my breath.

"Are yeh okay?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need a minute,"

"No, no, we should get yeh to a hospital," he said frantically.

"Oliver, it's fine. The baby is just trying to kick my organs out through my belly button. Ooh, there it goes again. Here feel," I say taking his hand.

No more than 30 seconds pass before another hard kick to what felt like my lung.

"Holy hell! That's the babeh?"

"Mhm, I think you've made him angry,"


"I don't know, I just hate calling it 'it'"

"Yeah, meh too. Has it stopped? Tom's probably wonderin' what happened to us,"

"Right," So I straightened myself out and walked up the remaining stairs.

Oliver knocks, and just before he knocks the second time, the door is flung open with a frazzled Tom behind it.

"Come in, come in! I was just finishin' settin' up," Tom motions to an open area of the flat.

There's a gray tarp hanging up with some black boxes set up. I also look around the rest of the flat. Black leather sofa, flat screen television, pictures everywhere, which is pretty much what I expected.

"So for starters, yeh two just do yer thing, look cute, show off the belly, then we'll do some single shots of yeh Eve. Once that's all finished up, there's a park up the road a bit I'd like to go to around dusk, perfect lighting. Sound good?"

"You're the photographer; I'll do whatever you say!"

"Now that's the spirit!"

And we began.

At first we kept it very generic, stuff one would expect to see taken at Glamour Shots or something. Once we became comfortable in front of the camera together, is when we started having fun. By myself, I mostly showed off my baby belly, lifting my top, cradling it, showing how much I actually loved being pregnant. The whole thing took about forty-five minutes.

"Great job! I'm sure most-if not all of these will turn out great," Tom exclaimed, "We still have about an hour before we can set out fer the park, so lets upload these babies!"

Oliver makes himself comfortable and turns on the TV. I was more interesting in what Tom was doing rather than watching a TV show I had no familiarity with.

"Tom, I'm gonna watch you okay?"

"Sure, yuh can help meh pick out the best ones,"

I smile, and pull a stool from the island over to the desk with the computer on it.

All of the pictures looked amazing, even if one of us looked a bit awkward, or wasn't ready for the shot to be taken.

"Oh Tom…"

"Disregarding that sounded quite odd, what?"

"Shut up," I say with a light slap to his arm, "I meant that these are absolutely wonderful,"

"Really? They're alright, I'm more looking forward to the amazing-ness the park will add to 'em,"

"I'm not doubting that, just I never imagined myself here,"

"Nobody ever does,"

"No, like I never imagined myself having a baby,"


"Once I fell in love with Alex, no. I thought it wasn't in the cards for me, but I was wrong, so wrong," I finished and a crack of lighting was heard outside followed by some thunder.

"Seriously?! Bloody hell!"

"What's wrong?"

"The rain is totally killing my ideas,"

"Let's go,"

"Go where, its stormin' out,"

"To the park, it'll be more fun this way. So grab something to cover your camera with, and let's go. C'mon Oliver,"

"Where are weh goin'?"

"To the park," and out the door I went.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm am SO sorry this took almost a month to get out.

Like an idiot, I cut the cord of my laptop's charger and that's what I feel most comfortable typing on vs. my desktop. So I didn't really have my 'muse' to write, but here it is.

I hope you all enjoy it (: