It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


Once we were out of Tom's building, we could all see it clearly wasn't storming, just dark skies and loud thunder. It was definitley coming though.

"Come on!" I say and quickly start walking down the sidewalk.

"Eve, do yeh even know where yer goin'?"

I stop mid-step and realize I have no idea where I even am.

"Right! So which way to the park?"

Tom turns around and points a bit to his right.

The park would be almost directly in front of his building, give or take 15 feet to the right.
I fully turn around and follow Oliver and Tom in the right direction of the park. I started to feel small droplets of rain on the top of my head. I looked up, and more began to fall on my face. It only took about a minute before it started to downpour.

"Fuuuuuck!" Tom started groaning and whipped out a garbage bag to protect his camera so he could take the pictures.

Oliver and I began laughing and walking towards each other.

"Wanna play on the playground?" Oliver asked.

I nodded my head vigorously, and ran after him.

We went on everything from the swings, to that circular thing that makes you wanna throw up, and down the multiple slide over and over again. From what I noticed, Tom was catching all of this, plus himself, as he tripped over his own feet. I was laughing so hard, I thought my cheeks were gonna fall off.

I stopped to catch my breath as I anxiously waited for Oliver to jump off of the swing.
Higher and higher he swung, until he jumped. Mid-air I saw Tom take the shot.

I began clapping energetically, water from my heads as well from the rain clouds splashing on my face.

"That felt amazing! Did you see it?" he asked walking up to me.

"I'm jealous! I haven't done that since I was a kid,"

"Soon we'll be able to teach our kid that!" Putting his hands on my belly as the same time I did, our hands landing perfectly on top of each others.

Looking into each other's smiling eyes; it felt as if the rain stopped.

"I love yeh, Eve," and his lips landed on mine.

"Guys! Oh shit, c'mon. It's startin' to get crazy out here, we've got the go!" Tom screamed in vain.

Not even two seconds later a small woodchip came in contact with Oliver's head.

"The fuck Tom?" Oliver asked while pulling away.

"Did yeh not hear meh? It's gettin' crazy, lets go!"

I laughed quietly to myself at how frazzled Tom was getting. Though, some thunder and a quick crack of lighting soon caused me to become frazzled as well.

We made it back to Tom's as quickly as we could. Once we were out of the rain, I realized how soaked I really was.

"Tom, do you have any clothes I can borrow? I'm finding myself to be extremely uncomfortable,"

"Me too. Oli, I think I have some of yer clothes that yeh left behind awhile back,"

"Phew! I thought I was gonna have the wear some of yer boxers,"

"Oli, yer stuff should be sittin' on the chair in my room. Are basketball shorts and a tee shirt okay Eve?"

"Yeah, that's fine," and he hands me the clothes.

Oliver has already taken the one and only bathroom, so Tom and I are looking at each other awkwardly, not sure on who should get the bedroom first.

"Oliver shouldn't be too long, and I have to pee, so I'll just wait for him."

"No no, yer a lady, I can wait,"

"It's okay, I really have to go, and it'll just be easy to get em done in one shot,"

"Are yeh sure?"

"Postive," I close his bedroom door behind me.

I didn't want to sit on the couch, or even lean against his walls. So I began to pace back and forth until I heard grunting and things fall coming from inside the bathroom.

I knocked on the door, "You okay in there?"

"I can't get my bloody jeans off!"

I chuckle to myself, "Do you need some help?"

"Nah, I'll get em off eventually,''

"Oliver, I wanna change too! Just let me in,"

I could hear him mumbling something about not being to get his own pants off as he opened the door.

"Okay, so why don't you sit on the edge of the tub, and I'll try tugging them off?"

We both positioned ourselves. I sat on the edge of the toilet with Oliver's foot on my right leg, and tried tugging. Nothing happened.

So we tried switching positions. Dumb. Idea. I fell right into the tub.

"Lets just cut the fuckers," a pissed off Oliver stated.

One thing I'll never get about men. They say we, as in females get mad about things, but who's going to grab scissors to cut off his most likely over priced jeans? Exactly.

"Oliver, why don't we just head back to the hotel, give your jeans a bit of time to dry and then try again before you shred your jeans?"

"Better idea," and he leaves.

"I guess I'm not changing either?" I ask myself.

Judging from Tom's closed door he's not done changing either.

"Tom, Oliver's throwing a tantrum about his jeans. So we're gonna head back to the hotel. Hopefully I'll see you again before we leave. In case I don't, it was great meeting you! You'll have to come visit me in the States!

The door whips open, with a shirtless Tom.

"Sorreh, was havin' the same problem as Oli, damn jeans. But yer leavin'?"

"Yeah, today was really great. Thank you so much,"

We hug and part ways.

Oliver better not have left without me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've decided I won't update this story again, until I have completed the whole thing. Shouldn't take too long though, considering my last day of class is Wednesday.

Hope this chapter was enjoyed (: