It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


We are now in the hotel room. Oliver didn't leave without me, thankfully. Once I reached the bottom set of stairs though, he was sitting in a chin on fist fashion. I was pretty much dry by time we reached the room, except my pants. The same went for Oliver, so taking his jeans off this time wasn't as much of a hassle.

Showers and a change of clothes later, Oliver and I were cuddled on the bed watching Son-in-Law. I love Pauly Shore, so no doubt this movie's one of my favorites. It was at the part where Crawl is making over Becca's mom when my phone began to ring.

It was Ryleigh, my assistant, who I put in charge.

I quickly got up, and walked into the hallway.


"Eve, thank God I caught you, it's really important,"

"What happened? Is everything-everyone okay?"

"Everyone's fine. I just wasn't sure what to do. If I made the wrong decision then it could screw up everything!"

"Ryleigh, can you just tell me what happened instead of babbling about it?" I snapped.

"Art Mcmantus, who as I'm sure you know is our biggest client and without him we're nothing-"


"Sorry, anyway, he refuses to meet with us, unless you're in charge of the meeting."

"Hun, that's not that bad, just reschedule the meeting for when I'm back,"

"I tried that, and he's being stubborn. It's either Friday at 2 o'clock with you holding the meeting, or no contract,"

"That prick! Fuck, um, I'll try to get on the first flight tomorrow. I'll call you back when everything's settled. Make sure you call Mcmantus and tell him I'll be there."

"I'm so sorry Eve, I wish–"

"See you Friday Ryleigh," and I ended the call.

I walked back into the room. Oliver was too busy laughing at the screen to notice I came back. I sat down on the bed and sighed,

"Oliver, I have to go back,"

"What? Why?"

"A big name client is threatening not to sign, unless I'm holding the meeting that discusses the contract, and this is one I can't afford to let go."

"Yuh can't hold it ova the phone or something?"

"If only it were that easy. I have to get on the first flight back tomorrow,"

"What?! When's the meeting?"


"I can't go back with yeh though,"

"Why not?"

"I have some Drop Dead stuff to get in order before I leave for tour,"

"Well a great day, has just turned into a shitty night,"

"It'll be okay. Lemme call the airport and get yerr flight situated, and then we'll figure the rest out,"

"I hope so,"

I got up and went to pack up my belongings. I wanted to cry so badly, but I refused to cry over something I felt was stupid to be upset about. So instead, I opted for tight heavy feeling in my chest, which made me want to throw up. I left an outfit out for tomorrow along with my toiletry bag. My packed suitcases all alone by the door just didn't look right without Oliver's parked right next to them.

"So, the earliest flight they can get yeh on is at 8:25 a.m. yeh should arrive around 1:30 in the afternoon."

"How long is the flight?"

"There's one connection, so around twelve hours,"

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. When are you flying back?"

"Monday, but Warped starts that Thursday… so I won't be there that long."

"Greaat. I just went from pissed, to pissed and annoyed."

"Sleep it off, love. I'ma take a shower," He kissed my forehead and left.

I began mumbling nonsense to myself. For some reason, it helps calm me down. Like venting my problems without pestering anyone, unless someone is bothered by my looking like a nut. I didn't bother turning the movie off when I got under the blankets and set the alarm. I wasn't looking forward to this flight at all.