It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


"Hey sweet cheeks, how was your day?"

"Meh. I cleaned the whole apartment,"

"I noticed, I have to go to the bathroom, and after that you wanna grab a bite to eat?"

Shit. I didn't empty the trash from the bathroom.

"Yes! I'm starving, let's go now. You can go to the bathroom there," I say hurriedly jumping up to try and beat him to the bathroom.

"No babe, you don't understand I have to go now," He said while practically dragging me as I tried pulling him the other way.

"Wait! I'd rather you not find out this way-"

"Find what out?"

I take a deep shaky breath. "I'm... pregnant."

"You're what?"


"Like with child?!"


"How is that even possible? I can't- you didn't?"

My eyes are glued to the floor, "I'm so sorry," I begin to cry.

"How could you?!"

"I didn't mean for it to happen!"

"Of course you didn't, because if it didn't then you could've kept your dirty secret forever!"

"No, I didn't mean to sleep with him! It was an accident, a drunken mistake!"

"You cheated on me..."

"I made a mistake,"

"The biggest mistake of all! It's not like you just kissed someone, or hit someones car. You fucked someone, and worst of all you created some bastard!"

"Don't call it that..."

"What? You love that thing? The little sea monkey that destroyed us? I can't even look at you Eve," he said turning away to leave.

"Please, don't leave we can work this out!" I tried tugging on his arm
"Do not touch me," he said ripping his arm back.

"Alex, I love you."

"Maybe you should have thought of that before you fucked some random dude," His parting words before slamming the door.

It's not like I didn't deserve what just happened, because I sure as hell did. That didn't stop me from falling to my knees and crying every last tear that remained in my body though.
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Thank you to xxForeverxxYoursxx for commenting, it seriously made my day (: