It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


I woke up in a cold sweat. I look over and see Alex peacefully sleeping next to me.

It was all a dream.

Yes, I chickened out.

I couldn't tell him. It would kill him.

Maybe there was some way it could be his baby, a one in a million chance. I thought as I put my hand on the small bump beginning to form.

I knew I couldn't hide it much longer. I mean, food babies don't generally last forever, nor do they get bigger than what I already have.

I had planned to call a specialist in the morning, to see if there's anyway it could be his baby.

Though, I knew I would still have to tell him what had happened with Oli, but if it was in-fact Alex's baby maybe it would soften the blow.

I rolled over and went back to sleep.


I woke up to the sun beaming in my eyes on a quiet Sunday morning, I didn't have to work so that was a relief. Well, sort of.

I rolled out bed, grabbed two towels from the linen closet and took a shower.

Once I finished I pulled on a pair of over-sized gray sweatpants, and Alex's Ghostbusters shirt.

I wasn't very hungry, so I laid down on the couch grabbing my laptop off the coffee table and began my research on azoospermia.


An hour later and no such luck. The chances of Alex conceiving a child are slim to none, and the only way to be sure is to have a bunch of testing done, and eventually a DNA test.

So in the end, I'm still fucked.

I feel like such a terrible person for hiding the baby and trying to make it be Alex's when I know it's Oliver's, but I know I'm doing this for the sake of everybody.

For me because I love Alex, and it would be such a blessing for the both of us to remain happy and raise a family together.

For Alex because he loves me and he's such a great guy and doesn't deserve this.

And then there's Oli, he's in a great band, that's actually going places. He doesn't need to be tied down by a random girl he had sex with and child that came out that mistake.

So it's a win win situation for all.

I hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a quick note, all of the chapters are going to be generally short, but I will update often.

If you guys remember I said there's one of two ways this story could go. And that turning point shall be coming up soon, and comments and what not help me know what you guys are thinking.

Don't worry Oli doesn't only make one appearance, he shall be back!

Thanks for reading :D

Oh, btw check out my Danny Worsnop story (:
You-Never-Said-Goodbye/You Never Said Goodbye