It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


I woke up at my usual time of 5 a.m. but soon remembered I took the day off to go to the doctor.

I rolled over and caught a glimpse of Alex peacefully sleeping. I was going to miss this, but I messed up and to live with the consequences.

I just kind of lied there unable to fall back asleep until my alarm went off at 8.

I took a shower, dried my hair, straightened it and got dressed.

Alex was still asleep when I finished getting ready.

I wonder what time he got in last night,I thought.

I wrote him a quick note telling him I'd be back later and not to worry.

I pulled out of the parking garage and began my semi-long journey to the doctors.

I tuned into a local radio talk show, something I used to indulge in before I would work all morning into the long hours of the night.

That's one thing I'd have to cut back on once the baby came, work.

Though most of it I could do from home. I owned my own company. Yes, at 22 years old, I owned and ran my own business.

There wasn't much traffic so I arrived much faster than I anticipated.

I grabbed my purse off the passengers seat, and took a deep breath.

Inside the clinic I sign in and take a seat. It was still early, so there weren't too many people.

"Wycoff, Evelyn" A nurse called.

I could feel my whole body bubbling with excitement. I stood u and followed the nurse into one of the examination rooms and sat down on those uncomfortable beds with the loud paper.

"Hello Evelyn, my name is Betty and I'd just like to ask you a few routine questions,"


"Okay, thank you. The doctor should be right with you,"

Why is it that they all say that, but in reality you won't see a doctor for the next half hour?

I continued to sit there patiently, stretching my arms and legs every now and then before the doctor came in.

"Hello Eve," my obg-yn says as she holds out her hand for me to shake.

"Hello," I returned as I shook her hand.

"So, it says here that you're pregnant and you're here for you first check-up?"


"Oh, how exciting," she says with a toothy smile.

I smile back and lie back on the uncomfortable bed as she begins putting the cold goo on my stomach.


I fix my shirt after the stomach is cleaned off.

I feel like I'm on top of the world after seeing my very small child on the screen.

"So, I'd say you're about 18 weeks along from the information you gave and the size of the fetus. Your next appointment should be in 4 weeks, also pick up some pre-natal vitamins,"

"Okay, thank you,"

"Congratulations, and I'll see you in 4 weeks," she said as she left.

I scheduled my appointment with the receptionist, and was on my way to the local Walgreen's.


I pulled into an open spot in the parking garage just sitting there staring at the ultrasound picturesmiling.

I had to tell him. I just with he could experience this like I am.

I put the picture inside my purse, and got out of the car.

I gathered by balls, and walked up to our apartment like a champ ready for what I was about to do.
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If you clicked the link for the ultrasound picture, don't mind the date. In the story it's mid-May.