It's Going to be One Hell of a Messy Night


Before I knew it it was the night of the Bring Me the Horizon show.

I was almost finished getting ready when my cell phone began to vibrate.

I didn't recognize the number.


"Hey, it's Alex, I just wanted to let you know I'll be over with a few friends tomorrow to get the rest of my stuff,"

"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow," disappointment dripping off every word.


Dial tone.

I took a deep breath, trying to not let it get to me. I had bigger things to worry about.

The first thing was making it to New York on time.

I grabbed my bag and out the door I went.


I had about 20 minutes until I reached the venue when I hit traffic. I was dreadfully nervous, and the traffic wasn't helping at all.

My palms were sweaty against the steering wheel.

After about 5 minutes cars began moving again.

I turned a few streets before the street the venue was on, knowing I wouldn't be able to find a decent spot so I wasn't going to waste my time trying.

I checked my purse for the necessities, money, ticket, I.D. and so on.

Of course everything was in there, not giving me a reason to go back home.

I continue to sit in the car, without any music or the car on.

I still had no idea how I was going to go about this. I somewhat knew what I was going to say to Oli once I got the chance to talk to him, but getting the chance to talk to him was the problem. Luckily, they weren't headlining making it much easier for me. I would just have to go with the flow, and eventually forcing the flow towards Oli.

I step out of my car and lock it with confidence in my stride.

Fake of course.

The doors opened at 6 and it was now 5:45.


As I was walking I took in my surroundings remembering just how much I loved New York. The dirtiness of it made it that much better to me. Flashbacks from when I was a kid started, every other weekend I would come up here with my dad and we would walk the streets going in and out of shops, explore museums, and anything there was to offer we did.

I smiled at those memories.

I would move up here but Philadelphia is and always has been my home. I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else.

Before I knew it I was in front of the Ballroom. Where I had imagined there to be a line was non-existent seeing as everyone was inside by now. I showed the guy checking tickets my I.D. and ticket. He gave both back to me and I was let inside.

I wasn't sure what order the bands were in, so I found an open spot on the back wall and leaned against it.

First band ended. I didn't catch their name, but they sounded decent.

Second band ended. Hated every minute of their set.

Third band ended. I was growing impatient. Didn't care to catch their name, but caught myself bobbing my end along every now and then.

I wasn't sure of how much more I could take when I heard the familiar strum of a guitar. I looked up and saw him. Seeing him made me want to throw up. For a quick second I felt pure hatred for him, but I was quickly brought back down when my conscious kicked in reminding me it wasn't all his fault. I was also to blame, even more in fact.

Their set lasted about 30 minutes. Once they exited the stage, I knew it was time.

My stomach began to hurt and my palms started sweating again. It was times like these when I wished I could pull out my cigarettes and smoke the entire pack.

I pushed my body off the wall going to the bathroom with the intention of splashing cold water on my face to calm myself down.

I never got the chance.

I felt someone grab onto my arm. I quickly turned around and saw him.

"Well, elo lovah! 'Ome back fo' more?" Oliver tried saying seductively, but only came off as an asshole.

Well, at least he remembered me. Right?

"Not quite," I replied," but I do need to speak to you,"

"Oooh, yeh want it teh beh like a chase," he said as moved closer to me. Our pelvic bones getting dangerously close, as his hands slid on to my butt.

I felt myself getting turned on.

Snapping out of it, I stepped back, "I really just need to talk to you,"

"Tell yeh wha', I've got tah do a few things, shoudn' beh too long. I say 'bout fifteen minutes. Meet yuh outside?"

"Fine, but I'm trusting you not to leave me out there,"

"I would neva do sucha thing!" He sounded appalled.

"Yeah, yeah," I said while flapping my hand in a 'what-ever' fashion and went outside.
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