

High school,my hell on earth...even though i was one of the hottest girls in the 12th grade i was still not excepted and all because i was a lesbian.I was teased and bullied all of my senior year and I only had a month left.I was so lonely,I sat alone at lunch and I spent most of my time in the library.The world hated me,hell my own parents wanted nothing to do with me,I woke up in the morning and they were still asleep when I got home in the afternoon there was money for takeout,and when I when to bed they would be out doing god knows what.They had been that way since I came out of the 'closet' in 10th grade...

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The day I came out was horrible,I had a boyfriend at the time and we had just broken up,I had gotten teased and stared at all day and while we were eating dinner my mother had asked how my day was...big mistake.I told her i didn't want to talk about it and she just kept asking.In the end I screamed out"I'm lesbian alright,I love girls,Brock and I had a fucking fight and I told him I didn't want to be with him and I didn't like him anymore and word got out to the whole fucking school that I'm lesbian so that's how my fucking day was!" I yelled,and then I started to cry.My mother believing in god and my father being as god loving person stared and me blankly and told me that I was going to hell and that this was just a phase and I would get over it and we would all go to heaven...blah blah blah."I'm not going to change and you cant make me this is who I am." I yelled and ran up the stairs to my room slamming the door behind me.After that they never said a word to me again.

Being alone sucks,all I have is my journal
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i know its boring now but it will get better...thanks for reading comment plz