
New student

"Class I know its a little late in the year but we have a transfer,"said Mrs.Cruz,"class meet Carter Pearson." I looked up to see a girl with curly blonde hair,hazel eyes,and her body curvy but slim...I noticed that my mouth was open and I snapped it shut but I still stared in amazement...she turned her hand in my direction and smiled..i almost fell out of my seat."Blair," asked the teacher. My head shot up."Carter you will sit in front of Blair Philips." Carter looked back in my direction and headed for the seat in front of me when she sat down I could smell her shampoo,it smelled so sweet I stared at the back of her head and then she turned around and I was still in a daze."Blair?"she asked. My name coming out of her mouth was like heaven i couldn't answer..."Blair?"she said again."Freak!"someone coughed.I shook my head and came back to reality."Yes?" I said in a whisper so quiet."Could you show me around the school?"

"This is the...cafeteria...the library...the office...gym..." "Why did that guy call you a freak in class?"
"Do you really wanna know?" "Yes." (crap I'm going to regret this) " I'm lesbian..." "Really?" I nodded and turned my head."So am i.." "WAIT WHAT?!!!" "You don't think i can be lesbian?" "UHHHHH....you..lesbian...your too hot." "Thanks,your pretty hot yourself." I was silent... "If you want friends here no one likes our kind..." "I don't need friends...but id like it if you were my friend..." "Id love to be your friend.." "Great,so do you wanna skip with me?" "Skip,school?" "Yeah unless you have a test or something?" "No I don't..." "Ok then your car or mine?" Carter asked with a smirk on her face.
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still boring, i know ill get to the good stuff in the next two chapters