

What am I going to do? Where can I go? There’s nowhere left for me. No home to go back to, no place to escape.
Can demons even DIE?
Probably not.
I’ve gotten used to the dizzying colors. But the crystal clear sight made my head ache. Everything was too sharp, too bright.
And the sounds of the forest were nauseating. Chirping, the rustling of the leaves, it was all too much. I tried standing several times. Every time I fell.
“Geez.” I mumbled. Crawling over twigs and rocks, I made my way to the creek that ran through the area. Somehow I heard the trickling of the water from here. It was hard to block out the other sounds, but I got the hang of it after awhile.
Finally, I reached the small creek. Dipping my arms in the freezing water, I wiped the blood away. The blood tinted the water red. It looked eerie. I gazed at it for a long time before I noticed my reflection quivering on the water’s surface. I looked…exactly the same. Not that I was complaining. I’m glad that I don’t look like one of those freaky disgusting monsters.
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Sorry it's so short. I've had a lot of things happening. Studying and such. I'll try to update quicker.
And if it ever says Leeanna, that is a typo. Sometimes I accidently type whatever I hear.