Dream Girl

she's just the type i've been searching for.

Logan Thayer had been dating Melina Johnston for almost a year and their relationship had been as perfect as any relationship could be. They hardly ever fought and when they did, it was less like fighting and more like disagreeing and having a discussion about why they disagreed. The longer they dated the more perfect he found her to be.

“Hey babe,” Melina said answering her phone.

“Hey. Are we still on for tonight?” he asked thinking about the date he, with the help of Tyler Horton's sister Summer, had planned.

“Definitely,” she told him. He heard her rustling something then start talking again. “Well, I have to go to work. You said you’ll be here about seven, right?”

“Umm, yeah. Seven,” Logan said, suddenly distracted because his phone had vibrated signaling a text.

"Okay, well then I'll see you at seven," she said, then hung up the phone.

Logan pulled up the text message and saw that Justin wanted to go to Mexican along with Tyler and Summer. Logan replied saying he would love to and that he'd meet them there a little after one.

He walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower, pulled his shirt over his head and took off his boxers, then got into the shower. After he had finished his shower and gotten dressed, he walked over to his couch, and turned on the television. What came on was a musical that looked really old to Logan. He clicked the info and found out that it was Singin' in the Rain.

"What the fuck why…" Logan trailed off and remembered why the channel that played old movies was on. Summer had been over the night before for dinner and they had watched a movie, her choice. They had made fettuccine alfredo and he had promised her that since she had done the majority of the cooking, she could pick out the movie. She had turned on the Turner Classic Movies channel and made him sit through Vertigo with her, which he had not minded watching once he had gotten into it.

Logan looked at his phone and noticed that he had a little time before he had to leave so he decided that he would just watch the movie. "Summer has been begging me to watch this anyway so I can watch some of it and tell her what I think," he told himself leaning back against the couch to get settled in.

Melina was hitting on Logan but he kept rebuffing her efforts. He didn't want her to hit on him; he was looking for someone else.

"Logan, are you listening to me?" Melina whined to Logan, running her hand down his chest.

"Not now Melina," Logan said search the room for something, someone. He just didn't know who.

"Logannn." Melina kept whining drawing out the last syllable of his name. "But why're you doing this?"

"Doing what?" he asked getting annoyed with her. Her voice, everything about her was getting on his nerves even though he knew she shouldn't be. Something was very weird.

"You're looking for her aren't you?" Melina asked, getting angry.

'Who?" he asked still looking around the room.

"That slut. Tyler's sister. You know I don't like her," Melina told him matter-of-factly.

"Oh my god Mel, just shut up," he said then trailed off as his eyes came upon Summer.

Summer looked completely out of place walking into the room. She wasn't dressed like everyone else who looked extremely casual. She was in a knee-length, spaghetti strap, and green summer dress. She looked… "Perfect," Logan said getting out of Melina's clutches and walking over to her.

When Summer noticed Logan, walking over to her she smiled at him and waved slightly. When he reached her, she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big hug. "How've you been? I haven't seen you in awhile," she murmured in his ear before kissing his cheek.

Logan looked down at Summer and smiled, thinking about how pretty she looked.

"Here you are babe," Justin said coming over to where Logan and Summer were standing and kissing Summer lightly on the lips.

Logan was startled but hoped that he didn't let it show. He had no idea when two of his closest friends had started dating. He had no idea why he cared so much either. Logan heard a phone going off and looked at both Justin and Summer, wondering why neither of them checked their phones.

"Dude, are you going to get that?" Justin asked.

"Huh?" Logan asked.

Logan awoke with a start to his phone ringing. He fumbled for a second then answered it. "Hello?"

"Logan, where are you?" Summer asked him.

"Ugh, what time is it?" he asked running his hand through his hair.

"One-thirty," she said.

"Oh, fuck. I fell asleep watching that lame movie you're always trying to get me to watch," he said in a joking tone.

"If you're talking about Singin' in the Rain then I'm very sad that you fell asleep to that."

"I know. I'll make it up to you and we can watch it. Okay?"

"Sure. But why don't you just get your ass down here and we'll talk about when you'll make it up to me," she said laughing.

"Okay. Hey, before you hang up, do you like Justin?"

"Which one?"


"Not in the way that you mean. Where the hell would you get that idea?"

"I don't know. Never mind. I'll be there in a little bit." Logan hung up and wondered why he had asked Summer if she was into Godsey. He knew that they were just really close friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was going to be the only chapter but I decided to break it up. There will be at least one more chapter. Maybe even two more.
