Status: unfinished, slow due to: inferiority complex, complete and utter indecisiveness, lack of free time.

Caged Bird, Shackled Slave

Chapter One: Savior

I could feel his hot breath fanning the side of my neck in light, airy inhalations. I tried to push him away, fighting the weight of his muscled body. He dragged me down to the flooring of the cell, untying the rope strap from my burlap dress. I screeched and cried, kicking and punching the guard in the torso. I shouted louder, praying to Amun-Ra for someone to take notice of me or for death. I was terrified.

“Help! Help me! Please, someone! Help! Someone help me!” I shrieked, clutching onto the bars of the cell. The guard pulled my grasp free from the sturdy bars, dragging me unto the dirt floor. He tore the fabric of my dress, exposing my chest. I saw his eyes grow hungrier with desire and lust. I cried out noisily for help, but I knew in the back of my mind that it would be of no use.

No one would help a slave in Egypt. We were dirt to all of them here in this palace. We worked and worked for no pay and barely any food. We were kept in one room cells and were never visited except to tell us when we needed to get up and work or we were to face the wrath of the whips and heavier chains. Anyone that denied work were never seen or heard of again. We weren’t people here. We weren’t Egyptians. We were slaves and nothing but. We were bought to work, not to bother.

“Someone, please!” I shouted, pushing my way back up from the ground to the door. The guard pulled on the chains of the shackles around my ankles. I felt tears running down my face as I waited for this whole ordeal to be over. I cried on the ground as his lips met my own in a rough and lustful kiss. I tried to push him away, turning my head away from him. I held my breath, trying to keep the putrid flavor of him from my mouth.

I heard footsteps and shouted once more, hoping for someone to come to my rescue. The guard was getting even rougher, pushing me down harshly and tearing at the remains of my clothes. The footsteps had momentarily stopped before the light sound seemed closer to the cell. I cried out, pushing the guard away from me furiously.

Suddenly, the small cell was bathed in light. I quickly tied the torn fabric of my dress back together to make myself more presentable to my savior. I looked up at the angel who had saved me and immediately fell to the ground. My arms stretched before me as I bowed to Prince Tau. I prayed for him to find a place for mercy in his soul.

“Soldiers,” he spoke. I waited for the order to be spoken. He wasn’t going to show a slave mercy. I was going to die. “Arrest this guard.”

I was shocked. I could hear the soldiers walking past me, their swords clinking against their armor. They shackled the guard, taking him out of the room. I waited for the door to shut and for no one to pay anymore mind to me, but I was shocked again when I realized I was being spoken to by Prince Tau.

“Slave, what is your name?” he asked, his tone deep and commanding.

“Zahra. My name is Zahra, your highness,” I answered quickly, not wanting to waste his patience and make him angry. Still I did not get up from my bow. I couldn’t look at him.
I heard the clanging of metal on metal again as the soldiers returned to their place by his majesty.

“Soldiers, bring this slave to my room at sunrise.” He ordered before turning on his heel and leaving me bowing there, stunned. He wants me to see him. What is he going to do? Will he kill me himself?

I fell into an uneasy sleep full of many questions just like these. I turned and tried to get comfortable on the cold ground.

I was awake but drowsy when the soldiers came to take me in the morning. I was dragged by my shackles, receiving small but strong tugs to keep me going. The shackles on my ankles made jingling noises as they passed over the flooring. My bare feet slapped against the hard ground as I walked in rhythm to the clanking of metal on metal as the soldiers continued onward to the prince’s quarters.

We stopped outside the door, one of the soldiers knocking lightly. One of the palace servants opened the door, showing us inside.
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pretty tempting, i know :P

*big thanks to bldydrkangl for this lovely banner. :)