Status: unfinished, slow due to: inferiority complex, complete and utter indecisiveness, lack of free time.

Caged Bird, Shackled Slave

Chapter Two: Running

We stepped through the doorway, and the soldier holding the chains of the shackles around my wrists let them fall. I sank closer to the floor, bending at the knees as I felt the weight once more. I was weak, and I knew. I knew I probably wouldn’t live much longer than this. I was too thin; I hadn’t anything to eat in three days.

“Remove the slave’s shackles.” His majesty commanded of the soldiers.

Without a word, they unlocked the chains and I saw them cascade in a mirage of clanging metal as they clattered noisily to the ground. I took a quick glance back up, my eyes meeting those of the prince.

I fell to my knees, begging for mercy. He would kill me for looking at him. He would...

“Slave,” Prince Tau spoke from above my shuttering form. “Fear not, he can’t touch you now. I had my men put him to death.”

I remained collapsed on my knees, fearing his authority. Tears slipped from my closed eyes and I silently sobbed; the image of myself reflected in Prince Tau’s crocodile-colored eyes...

“You may speak without restraint.” He said.

Still I remained silent. I couldn’t speak out. That was a slave’s most important law. Never speak out of turn. Never.

“Zahra,” he spoke.

My chest constricted. He remembered my name. The prince remembered my name.

“Y-y-yes, y-your Highness?” I stammered from my position on the ground.

“Stand.” He commanded. Immediately I stood.

I held my head down, avoiding his eyes. I felt gentle pressure on my chin, calloused fingers holding onto my face. My eyes met those crocodile eyes I was trying to stray from. I saw myself reflected in his eyes and that was all it took for my vision to blur. Tears leaked from my eyes as I tore myself from him.

I ran. That was all I knew. I ran. And I ran. Ran from my fears. Ran from my insecurities. I ran into the Great Hall, its high ceilings and columns shielding me from Prince Tau’s eyes. I sunk down against a rock pillar, crying silently.

“Zahra! Zahra?!” I could hear him calling me.

“Servants, search the palace.” He commanded.

I sat there and cried, praying that no one would find me, but I could hear the footfalls of the servants, and I got up, running. I had no idea where I was going, I was just leaving. Leaving this palace. Running. I ran. And I ran. Ran from my fears. Ran from my insecurities.
♠ ♠ ♠
{hopefully it's all fixed now. Sorry about the problems!}

make banners*,
:D and thanks for reading.

*big thanks to bldydrkangl for this lovely banner. :)