‹ Prequel: We Come Out At Night

We Come Out At Night 2

Chapter 13


I set Izzy down in the bed and gently rested her head on the pillow. Before leaving the room, I covered her with a blanket and kissed her nose. She had fallen asleep in the car on the way back from the hospital. Everything seemed to finally be catching up with her.

With all that had happened from the last few months up to this very point, she’d never broken down as bad as she did today. Something told me that the burden that The Rev placed on her shoulders during their argument was never going to go away. Izzy would carry it around with her wherever she went from now on.

After leaving her alone to sleep, I went to the kitchen to grab a beer before joining Brian in the living area.

”So, is he awake?” I’d called him from the hospital earlier and told him about Vengeance.

“No” I shook my head. “He came out of it for a few minutes, but all he did was ask for Sammy.”

Gates exhaled an exasperating sigh and cast his eyes downward towards his beer bottle. “I wish I could have been there.”

“Well, he didn’t stay awake for more than a minute and I barely got to say anything to him before his eyes closed again. The doctors did say it was a good sign and his vitals were improving.”

Gates nodded and took a sip from his beer bottle. “How’s Izzy?”

“She’s not ok. Jimmy fucking hurt her bad and I don’t think she’s going to be able to get over it.”

“How do you want to handle it?” when he asked me that question, I was unsure of the answer. My heart said one thing and my head said another.

“I don’t know. I know he’s angry and I understand him to a certain point. Things did start to get out of control after Izzy came in to the picture, but I don’t blame her for any thing that’s happened. The part that has me the angriest is that he put his hands on her.”

“Me too.” Gates nodded in agreement.

“What the fuck was he thinking?”

“I don’t know Matt. Obviously, this whole thing was bothering him more then we knew of. What he did to Izzy is still not ok though.”

I stood up and put my hands in my pockets. “Part of me wants to sit him down and talk to him and the other part of me wants to punch him like there’s no tomorrow.”

“There is all the proof that you’ve gone soft because of Izzy! Had it been me and he put his hands on my girl, he would have to learn to play drums with his tongue because I would break his arms and legs.”

Well, lucky for Jimmy, I’m not Gates. “Normally, yeah I would do the same thing, but I think there is just way to much pain already.”

He shrugged his shoulders at me and after setting his empty bottle down on the table, he stood. “I’m going to get some sleep. Ruby is coming home tomorrow and I’m going to have no choice, but to tell her the news about Sammy and Vengeance.”

I felt bad for Ruby being kept in the dark. She’s come so far and I have a funny feeling this was going to set her back quite a ways. “Well, call if you need help with that” He nodded and walked out of the penthouse.

When I walked back in to the bedroom, I kicked off my shoes and took off my shirt. Izzy was still sound asleep under the covers. It amazed me every time I saw her sleeping by herself. As big as the bed was, she always managed to be lost somewhere under the covers huddled up in one little spot. I smiled at the thought and then went to take a shower.

The Following Day

I got to the hospital in record time, Ruby was anxious to get home and back to her own bed. When I walked into her room she was sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Hello sunshine!” She smiled at the nickname I gave her, but it fit her so well. On the cloudiest of days, she was my only sunshine. What! I can be a hopeless romantic!

“Hi, I need some help”

“With what?”

“It hurts when I bend. I can’t put my shoes on.”

I knelt down in front of her and slipped her flip-flops on her feet. “Alas fair maiden, you are no longer shoeless.”

She put her hand over her heart. “Why thank you kind sir, I don’t know what I would have done with out your assistance.”

We both laughed at ourselves as I stood up and picked up her bag. “Are you ready to go home?”

When she looked at me, I could see the curiosity in her eyes. I knew she was about to ask me something and I was hoping we would already be home before I had to answer.

“Is everyone else all ready home?”

I sighed and set her bag down on the chair before walking over to the bed and sitting beside her. “No, just Izzy.”

“Why aren’t Vengeance and Sammy going home too?”

I lowered my head and let out another sigh. It took me a minute before I could look at her again. When I did, she was looking back with a questioning gaze.

“Vengeance was hit twice and he hasn’t quite recovered as well as you did. He’s on the other side of this floor and fighting for his life.”
She turned her face away from me and looked down at her feet. “But, the good news is that he has been waking up for short periods every day and he is breathing on his own now. The doctors say that’s a good thing.”

She nodded, and even though I couldn’t see her face, I could feel her sadness. “What about Sammy?”

This was going to be harder then I thought. She seemed to be taking what I told her about Vengeance better than I thought she would, but I am betting her reaction is going to be a lot different when she hears about Sammy. I got up off the bed and stood in front of her.
When she looked up at me, I took her hands in mine.

“Sammy isn’t coming home”

“Why not?” She asked me why, but the tears that were coming out of her eyes told me she already knew the answer.

“The bullet went through her heart. She died instantly.”

“Oh.” She whispered and covered her mouth with her hand. I killed me to have to tell her about Sammy after everything she had already been through. I could only hope that I would be enough of a comfort for her. When I put my arms around her, she let out a sob and started to cry harder as I rubbed her back. “Why Sammy? She was good, it’s always the good ones. Marco should be dead not Sammy!”

“I know sweetheart”

“Can I see Vengeance?” I hadn’t expected her to ask me that when she pulled back from me, but I couldn’t say no.

“Ok” I nodded and took her hand while she stood up off the bed. After grabbing her bag again, I walked her to the other side of the floor and over to Vengeance’s room.
Before we went inside, I warned her that he didn’t know about Sammy yet and she wasn’t to tell him either.

She walked inside the room ahead of me and stood in front of the bed. When I walked up behind her and looked down at the bed, I saw Vengeance looking back at me. His eyes were open.

“Hey, what are you looking at?” I teased and he lightly smiled.

Ruby leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Do you need anything?” she asked.

“No” he whispered and then he turned his eyes to look at me. “Sammy” he whispered. I wanted to cry for him when he said her name. I know he is in pain now, but he had no idea the world of hurt he was facing later on.
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly. “Try not to talk, you need to save your strength so we can take you home.”

He didn’t say anything. His eyelids started to flutter between being opened and closed and when they finally stayed closed, I let go of his hand and put my arm around Ruby’s waist and led her out of his room.

The whole ride back to the casino was quiet. She hadn’t said a word since we left Vengeance’s room. I didn’t know if I should worry or if this was how she was mourning.
After parking the car, I walked her in to the casino and stopped her before we went upstairs.

“There’s a whole bunch of people that really want to see you, if you are up for it”

“ok” she nodded, but it was more like she just wanted to get it over with.

I walked her into the bar and we barely got through the door before Christ attacked her.
“Owe don’t squeeze so hard, it hurts”

“Sorry!” He let her go and stepped a side so everyone else could have their turn.

The Rev took her bag and set it down then pulled up a chair for her to sit in. As soon as she sat down, she turned her gaze right to Shadows. “Where’s Izzy?”

He smiled reassuringly. “She’s upstairs and fine. She just didn’t feel like hanging out. You can go up if you want to” I saw the wave of relief wash over her when she heard Izzy was fine. I really didn’t think she could handle any more drama today.

“Can I get you something to drink Ruby?” London asked from behind the bar. She hadn’t give The Rev the time of day since the incident with Izzy the tension was obvious.

“No thanks. I’m not supposed to have alcohol with the medication.”

“Maybe some tea then?”

“Could you just have it sent up to my room? I want to go upstairs now”

“Sure thing” she nodded.

Ruby stood up and reached for her bag, but I grabbed it instead. “Come on, I’ll help you”

This wasn’t fair to her. We’d all had our time to mourn for Sammy, but her time was just starting and I felt so bad for her. When I brought her up to our floor I stopped her just before she went into her room.

“Want to stay in my room? I know how much you love my bed. I don’t mind staying in your room.”


I led her through the living room and into my bedroom. I put her bag down by the door and lifted her up so she could get on the bed. When she was comfortable I sat down on the edge and handed her the remote for the television.

“Ruby, I wish I could make this easier for you, but I really don’t know what to do. I’m sure you want to be alone for a little while, so I am going to get out of here, but don’t hesitate to yell for me if you need something”

“Ok” she nodded. I got off the bed when I heard the elevator. Room service was here with her tea. I brought it over and set it down on the bed. “I have some work to do, so I’ll be right inside.” she nodded, but didn’t say anything and I walked out of the room leaving her there alone.

I was glad to have Ruby home, but there was something in the way she looked at me that told me things were going to be a lot different and I honestly don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, apparently from some of your comments, I owe a few of you a box of tissues. :)

I need some help. Which name do you like better? Marisol or Magdelena?
I am open to suggestions for other names, but it has to be an "M" name and has to have a spanish origin. New character and no, it's not Matt's baby that Kiera lost :)