‹ Prequel: We Come Out At Night

We Come Out At Night 2

Chapter 7


Something is wrong with this picture. I was sitting in the office going over the schedule of for the security guards for Brian. Being that it was spring break, we had to put more security through out the casino. Maybe I wasn’t looking at the schedule the right way. I really couldn’t come up with another explanation for what I was seeing laid out before my eyes. I couldn’t ask Brian for help, I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t handle the job.

“Ruby?” When I looked up I saw Izzy standing in the doorway. “Ready for girl’s night at the bar?” Shit. I forgot. I finally make some friends and I totally forgot we were having drinks at the bar.

“Sorry, I lost track of the time.” She walked into the office and sat in a chair in front of my desk.

“You look totally stressed.”

“I am” I rested my elbows on the desk and put my face in my hands.

“Well, maybe I can help.”

I looked up from my hands and at her face. “It’s the security schedule, Brian asked me to look over the rotation because we have to add a few more on staff for spring break.”

“Ok, so what’s the problem?” She leaned forward and glanced over at the schedule that was sitting on my desk.

“I don’t know if it’s a problem so much as an observation.” I picked up the schedule and placed it down in front of her. “You know how I’m good at remembering stuff?”

“Yeah, so I have heard.” She nodded.

“Well, see all the dates on the schedule with check marks? Those are all the dates that Marco was here unannounced.”

After she viewed my markings she looked up at me a little confused. “Ok, but what does that have to do with the Security schedule?”

“The head security person for those nights, is the same person every time.”

Still she looked at me confused. Why is it so hard for people to understand me?

“Izzy! Don’t you think it’s a little strange that every time this guy Jack was on as head of security not a single security guard came over to help in any situation that involved Marco?”

Now, I seemed to have her attention. Her jaw hung open and she covered it with her hand as she looked at me. “Oh my God. The night The Rev told me to push the button under the table if I needed help, no one came. No one stopped him from dragging me out of the casino.”

I nodded and pointed to the date and it had a red check mark next to it. Sure enough, Jack was head of security that night too. “Fuck!” she yelled. “Ruby, you are brilliant. I have to go show this to Matt and Brian. Why don’t you change and meet me and Sammy in the bar when you’re ready, ok?”

“Ok” I nodded and we walked out of the office together. I went to my room and she went down to the casino to Matt’s office.


Gates and I were sitting in my office going over photos of new girls who were looking for jobs in the casino. There really weren’t many that we were interested in. Every photo looked almost the same. Same hair color, same facial expression, same fake tits. Not a single one stood out to either of us.

We had both agreed that none of them had the “wow factor” and decided not to hire any of them. I had just started clearing the photos off of my desk when there was a pounding on my office door. The door to my office was always locked and everyone who worked here knew better than to pound like a lunatic. Looking over at Gates I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Could you get that?”

He didn’t respond, he just got up and answered the door. As soon as it was opened, Izzy flew past him and ran right behind my desk. She nearly fell on me trying to stop short.

“Where’s the fire?” I asked her as she tried to calm herself down.

“Ruby!” it was the only word she could get out of her mouth without losing her breath. Wherever she came from, she must have run all the way here.

“What happened to Ruby?” I asked her, but she shook her head no.

“Nothing” After managing to calm herself down she set a piece of paper down in front of me on the desk.

“That’s the security schedule, I gave it to her to look over and see who we could put on extra shifts for spring break. I knew it was too much for her!” He looked kind of annoyed and disappointed at the same time.

“NO! NO! NO! Both of you shut the fuck up!” Izzy just told us to shut up? I stood from my seat and towered over her giving her a warning glance while I folded my arms. “I aint scared of either of you now sit back down so I can explain.” Well, I would let that one slide, but next time she talks to me like that, I’ll have to ring her pretty little neck. “Ruby was doing the schedule, but something about it was bothering her so I asked her what it was.” Gates had walked over to look over Izzy’s shoulder at the schedule so he could see what she was pointing at. “She made check marks next to all the nights that Marco was here, and on all those nights she noticed one common element.”

Gates and I looked back and forth between each other and back to the schedule. What did we miss? “The same person was working head of security every time Marco was here. That’s why no one came to help us. He’s working for Marco.”

The two of us were stunned. Neither one of us ever thought security was an issue.
“Did you say Ruby figured this out?” Gates asked her and she looked back at him and nodded.

“Yeah, she was kinda nervous about it too. She must have been sitting there for hours going over it to make sure she was right. She was supposed to meet me and Sammy for drinks, but didn’t show so when I went up to get her I found her stressing out over it.”

“Where is she now?” I think Gates was wondering the same thing I was. Why it wasn’t Ruby who brought this to us.

“She went to change and should probably be on her way to the bar right now. I’m going to go meet her there. I’ll see you guys later” Izzy, kissed my cheek and left my office.

I sat there and sighed looking over at Gates who had walked over to the chair in front of my desk to sit down. “We have a problem.” I said and he nodded.

“What are we going to do about it?” He asked me and I really don’t know why he had to ask. He knew we what we were going to do about it.

“Who’s the head of security tonight?”

“Jack.” Soon as he said his name, I looked down at the paper and back up at him.

Jack was the one that Ruby had singled out. How any of us missed this was beyond me. One thing was for sure, there would have to be a complete security overhaul. Immediately.
♠ ♠ ♠
4 shots are fired and all hit their marks.
You know it wouldn't be one of my stories if I didn't kill someone.