‹ Prequel: We Come Out At Night

We Come Out At Night 2

Chapter 8

Narrator (The Drama Fairy Returns)

Just like she said she would, Izzy went to the bar to wait for Ruby. Sammy was already sitting on a stool with a drink in her hand. To her left, sat Vengeance. While it was a rare occasion that he got to openly spend time with Sammy, it was still supposed to be a “Girls Only” night.

As Izzy stopped short in front of the two of them she put her hands on her hips. “What are you doing here?” She asked as he eyed her stance up and down.

“I believe it’s called having a drink.”

She nodded and pursed her lips. “Well, this is ladies night, so unless you’re secretly hiding a vjay jay in your pants, you should be leaving right about now.”

He started laughing and looked over at Sammy. “Do you want me to leave?” It was two against one and he didn’t stand a chance.

“I would love to see your mangina” She teased and Izzy laughed right along with her. When London came over Izzy ordered her drink and turned her attention back to Vengeance.

“So what’s it gonna be? You gonna show us your Zacky “V” or are you gonna take a hike?”

Vengeance just sat there shaking his head. “Why is it so hard for girls to say pussy?”

It was London who interjected while refilling his glass. “Why is it that a man can say I love pussy, but he can’t say I love you?”

“Good one!” Sammy laughed and set her glass down on the bar. She and Izzy both looked at Vengeance.

“What is this? Pick on Zacky day?” He asked although he liked the attention.

“Yes!” the two of them shouted at the same time.

While the three of them kept their space at the bar filled with jokes that were followed by laughter. Ruby was upstairs in her room trying to make herself presentable incase she ran into Brian.

Tonight, although it was girl’s night, Ruby was going to find the courage to ask Brian if he would like to have a date. Not a hair was out of place as she exited the room and waited patiently in front of the elevator for the door to open. Her green eyes were perfectly lined in black and framed with long black lashes. Her lips as plump as they were, wore lip-gloss tinted peach. Red curls hung down past her shoulders and the dress she wore was silver and short with black stiletto heels.

Shadows and Gates were sitting in the office going over the security issue. They had both decided to go get Jack and have a word with him. What that really meant was beat the living hell out of him.

Three sets of people in three different places all at the same time. As one was stepping off the elevator and heading towards the bar, two were walking side by side down another hallway. While three sat laughing at their own jokes until they couldn’t laugh any more..

The first bang was the loudest…

The second bang was when every one of them realized the first bang was a gunshot.

The third bang set everyone else running towards the first two.

“What did you do?” Ruby stood in the entrance of the bar looking at the back of the shooter.

When Marco turned around and saw her standing there his eyes lit up and his grin turned malicious. “How perfect,” was all he said before the fourth bang sent her flying back in to Brian’s chest.

One of them was lucky and the bullet only grazed the skin, while another took a bullet in the shoulder and was currently slumped over bleeding out. One more was shot in the stomach and lay fighting for their life, while one took a bullet in the heart and died instantly.

Matt ran forward and Marco stepped out. London stood up from behind the bar and called 911 and Brian sat on the floor in shock, with blood all over his hands.

See what happens when you aren’t paying attention?
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So....yeah, hope you didnt get yelled at again for screaming...LOL! One more tonight. :)