A Runaway Girl

The Causes

"Maddie, Honey, Get up it's time for school" My mom was shaking me

"Okay, Okay, Stop Shaking Me" I replied, satisfied, my mom walked out of my room closing the door behind her

I was surprised that I was not hearing my parents yelling cussing each other out. I usually woke up to it every morning. I realized it was Friday then I sat up and walked to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I was so happy it was Friday, my favorite day of the week because two reasons. One: because its the last school day of the week, and two: because my dad left early for work, so I don't have to wake up hearing them fighting. There was also reasons I hated Friday too though like the fact that school is on Friday and it also is the day before my dad and moms day off work.

Most of the time kids love it when their parent(s) have the day off work, but like everything else it was different for me. Saturday was always the day that the fight were worse because they were both home. They sometimes throw things or my mom will smack my dad.

School Sucks because I don't fit in with anyone. I go to a Private Prep school and almost everyone who goes there is rich and that includes me. I am probably the most richest girl of all the students that go there, but money doesn't buy popularity when you're a hardcore rocker girl (AKA The School Rebel). I am the girl that no one want to hang around with (that includes the nerds with snot coming out of there nose), but whats a rebel to do? I don't have any friends at all and no one will even talk to me because they will be labeled as a socially awkward outcast too.

My mom is too stresses to care about what happening in my school life and my dad doesn't give a damn about anyone but his fuck buddies. Whoever said Money doesn't buy happiness was dead on with my life.

After finishing my makeup and after I brushed my blond hair one more time I walked in my big walk-in closet and put on my fishnet leggings, my black short shorts, my red fox t shirt (yes folks rich people wear fox brand clothes too) and my converse. Satisfied with my outfit I turned and grabbed my black & white checkered backpack and iphone.

I made my way out of the house not bothering to stop and eat breakfast and started walking to school (yes we walk to school too).

After about 25 minutes I found myself in front of the school looking around at the students.
I sighed and continued making my way to my first period classroom.

"Hey, Trash" Penelope Price (The Queen Bee) yelled out, causing several surrounding students to look around at me and watch to see if anything worth talking about was going to happen.

"Hey Dick" I replied back suddenly realizing I should of walked away

She chuckled than started making her way across the courtyard to me, her two Preppy Pink Wasps followed her.

"So hows the zoo" Penelope said, smirking at me and raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow

Penelope knew about my family problems because my dad was cheating on my mom with her mom. She knew almost everything that she would need to make my life a fucked up mess.

"It's just Spiffy" I said, carrying out spiffy for a second

"I saw your dad this morning, can you guess what he was doing?" I already knew the answer, and she already knew that I knew it. Dreading her saying it out loud again for the millionth time i figured i would just play along.

"I have no Idea" I said, causing one of the too-thin wasp friends too chuckle. She turned and gave the girl, who I recognized as Jenny Capastronow from the volleyball team, a scowl then she turned and looked at me again.

"Your father was fucking my mom" She said, the smirk rising on her face again.

"Wow, So now we all know were you inherited your whoreish personality traits" She gave me a look that would make anyone want to run and get a chainsaw and cut of her head and laugh when the blood shot from her newly decapitated body (sorry for the gross image).

She walked closer to me and whispered "Your parents are gonna get divorced soon and your life will become a living hell because your dad will end up marrying my mom and I will make sure she lets me kick the living shit out of you, you little piece of worthless trash." and with that she turned and walked away ramming into my shoulder first causing me to jerk sideways, both of her stick wasps friends followed her and also rammed into my shoulder.

I ran out of the courtyard to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall and cried. I knew that what she said was going to eventually become reality, My mom was gonna eventually find out and divorce him.

When I finished crying I looked at my iphone and realized a whole hour had passed and I had already missed my first period. I decided to ditch the rest of the day and called the school and left a fake sick message. When I finished washing my face and fixing my makeup i made my way to the park on 5th avenue to spend the rest of the day there until I "got off of school". I read my book until I realized that school had finished and I could start walking home. The walk home only took me five minutes from 5th avenue park to my house because it was the street next to were our house was.

When I arrived I noticed my dad's car was in the driveway, which was weird because he didn't usually get off of work until Eight thirty pm. The house was also unusually quiet, something was going on.

I opened the door to find my mom sitting on the couch and my dad sitting on the armchair.

"What's up" I said raising both my eyebrows in surprise

"Sit down Maddie, we need to talk to you" My mom said

When I sat down my mom sighed and looked at the ground and put her head in her hands, causing her beautiful blond hair to fall in her face.

My dad was just sitting there letting my mom do most of the talking

She looked up and I saw tears on her face and her makeup smudging

"Before we tell you, you need to know it's not your fault" she said, and realization hit me like a nuclear bomb making a tear to come out of my eye.

My dad got up and came to sit by me

"we are getting divorced, your dad is leaving me for Jennifer Pierce" She said

With that I jerked out of my dad grasp and yelled "It's all your fucking fault, I can't believe you chose this" I ran into my room and closed the door and locked it, and that's when I realized I was gonna runaway.

I wanted to find the happiness that people had, I didn't care what it would to take, I couldn't be happy living like this, not now, not ever.
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