A Runaway Girl

New york

I Was So Freaking Embarrassed that I actually threw up on the pavement. I looked up and saw a Flight Attendant running towards me.

"Are you okay" She said while she looked at the puke, turning more greener with every second

"Yeah, Is This Usual?" I said, I was wondering if I was just a freak or if a lot of people did it.

"Sometimes, Well if you are okay you can continue walking towards the entrance to the airport." She said it in an annoyed way.

I started walking towards it. Right then a hand touched my shoulder and I looked up to see Justin down at me. I say down because I just realized he was like a whole foot taller than me, maybe a little less.

"You Okay" He said, we were still walking

"I'm Fine, Well except for the fact I was hoping no one saw that, but life doesn't always go the way you want it to, believe me I know" I said, sighing

"I'm sure you would. So your a runaway" as soon as Justin said it I looked around to see if someone was watching or listening to us

"WWWWhy wwould you think that" I asked, then realized I was being totally obvious earlier on the plane and even was obvious now.

"Your obviously scared and it took you awhile to answer me on the plane and when you did you looked and sounded unsure" he said, confirming what I was thinking "anyways I ran away when I was Seventeen, so I would know."

"We should get our bags" he said, then he and I started walking to the conveyor belt to get our bags

"So what was it like for you? Were did you run away to?" I asked him as I got my suitcase and guitar Case which were a little aways from his suitcase.

He looked at my guitar then at me with a surprised look on his face.

"Shit. You play Guitar too" He said it as he walked over to were his small duffel bag was and he picked it up.

"Yeah, I learned when I was little, I'm really good actually. So you play the guitar?" I said, still thinking about what he had just told me

"Yeah and the drums, I play the guitar in my band though"

"Wow. your in a band" I said letting the question about him running away slip out of my mind.

"Yeah it's called Crashing Central" he said, rolling his eyes

"I take it you don't like the name" I asked

"No, I think It's Fine" He said it in an annoyed tone. The Question about him running away popped back in my mind. But figuring it wasn't really any of my business i dropped it again.

"I'm Just waiting for Jeff, The lead singer of my band to pick me up" He said, then he made that same thinking face he made earlier on the plane.

"Were you gonna go?" he asked

"I don't know yet, I've got money for a hotel, but I don't know were one is." I didn't want to tell him how much I had, even though I was pretty sure he wasn't the thief type, But you never know.

"If you want you can stay with me and my band, we have a small apartment, there's four of us, we're all guys though, you can like sleep on the couch or I can kick one of the guys off the bed and make them sleep on the couch so you can sleep on a bed..." He said in a confident voice.

I didn't know if that was smart, I barely knew him. Apparently he could guess what I was thinking, I must have looked scared or something, because he looked offended

"We are not like that, you can trust me, I know what it's like to be scared, I wouldn't do anything to you, or let anyone" he said it the most confident and honest way that I believed him Instantly.

"Okay, If you don't mind" I said

"Cool, then you can tell me your story if you want" He said, I guessed he was referring to the story of my runaway. "Let's go wait by the Road" He said, pointing to the glass door " They should be here any minute now"


I rolled my suitcase outside and he picked up his small duffel bag and walked out behind me. We stood there in silence for about three minutes until he pointed to a big white truck that was pulling to a stop in front of us.

The guy was Really hot as well, He had shaggy Brown hair and really bright blue eyes and was pale.

"Hey Justin" He said, I assumed he was Jeff since he was the only person in the car.

"Hey Jeff" Justin said as he put my suitcase in the backseat

"I thought you only took a Duffel bag dude?" He said confused

"I did" he pointed at me " I met this really nice girl and she had nowhere to go, plus she can apparently play the guitar" Justin said as he got in the truck. "You can get in"

I opened the door and hopped in the backseat next to my guitar and suitcase. Jeff leaned over to Justin and whispered something in his ear, that I managed to hear

"Dude, She So Damn Hot" He said, raising his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and sighed mentally, boys...

Justin just chuckled, really cutely, making me want to giggle like a freaking rich prep (AKA Penelope Price).

"So what's your name" Jeff said, in a flirty way
"Maddie Jenson"
"Well, Maddie I'm Jeff Way" He said as he shook my hand
I saw Justin sock him hard in the leg

"Fuck You Dude" Jeff Said
"Eww that's gross" Justin said, Sticking out his tongue and managing to look adorably cute while doing it. "Just drive you fucking idiot"
Jeff laughed and started the ignition and drove off.

It took us about a half hour to get there. All the way there Jeff and Justin were talking about the band, I stayed quiet. I Found out a lot about the band, like how there was four people in it, Justin, Jeff, Dylan, and Shane. Justin Played the Guitar, Jeff was the singer, Shane played Drums and Shane played Bass.

When We finally got to the building I was surprised to find that it was actually a really nice place, definitely upper middle class.

"So this is home sweet home" Jeff said as he walked over to me and stood there looking at me. "So were you from" he asked as he walked away and took my guitar out of the backseat of the truck. I looked at Justin and walked towards him to get my suitcase.

"Here" I said, holding out my hand, expecting him to hand it to me
"Nope" I will carry it for you he said, opening the glass entrance door and walking in, heading towards an elevator.

"Just let him take it, he's a gentleman" Jeff said making a funny sound when he said gentleman.

"I take it you ran away" He said as he handed me my guitar.

"Yeah" I said, then walked into the building, walking towards Justin, who was waiting for me and Jeff. When we walked over there we got in the elevator and the doors closed. there room was nice, it had white walls, and black furniture and a nice kitchen, It had a little area were the instruments were placed, It was messy as I expected though, I mean they are guys.

"I'm From Miami California" I said to Jeff, causing him to look at me confused."You asked me were I'm from when we were outside"

Right then two guys came out of two different rooms, Neither of them were wearing shirts, One was in his boxers, They were really hot as well.

"Heyyyyy..." The One with boxers said confusingly, apparntly wondering who the hell I was.
The other guy with pants on just raised an eyebrow and laughed
"So now you're picking up sexy hobos" I blushed at the fact that he thought I was sexy.

"She's not a hobo" Justin Said "I met her on the plane and happened to find out she had run away, so she has no were to stay"

"I'm Maddie" I said

They both said there names at same time

"Dylan" The one with only boxers on said
"Shane" The other guy said

Dylan had Blond Hair and Blue Eyes and Shane had Black Hair and Brown Eyes, Shane looked intensely beautiful in a way I couldn't describe, Dylan was just amazingly hot, But neither of them matched Justin's sexiness.

"So were do you want me to put my stuff" I asked, pointing to my backpack that I had set down on the table I was standing next to and my suitcase next to the door.

"I have an extra drawer In my dresser" Justin Said

"Here I'll help you put the stuff in it" He said, as he picked the suitcase and backpack. "You can put the guitar in my room as well and you can tell me why you ran away"

"Okay" I said
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