A Runaway Girl

Stories and Music

While Justin helped me with put my stuff in the drawer I told him about my parents and about school. When I finished he looked at the beige shag carpet of the medium sized room we were in. I sat there looking around the room while he thought about whatever it was he was thinking about. The room was nice. It had two beds on each side of the room, there was about 10 feet of space between them. The walls were plain white on Justin’s side and on Jeff’s side they had a few posters on them, one of Breaking Benjamin and the other of Kings of Leon, Jeff had several pictures of the same blonde swimsuit model above his bed on the ceiling.

Justin saw me looking at this and he said “ that’s Brooklyn Decker, Jeff is obsessed with her” He chuckled and rolled his eyes, and I laughed. “Okay then” I said

“So are you gonna tell me why you ran away” I asked

“Sure” He looked at the floor again then started talking “My dad left my mom for another women, so she went crazy and started drinking all the time. She was just so messed up, I couldn’t take it so I decided to run away because I was almost eighteen anyways.”

“Wow, that’s horrible” I said

“Well, my friend was having a party that night so I went there, I hooked up with this girl and…” he looked up at me, apparently wondering if I was too Virginally innocent for him to tell me that he fucked her “and went to her house” he said, choosing to not say what really happened.

“that’s how I met Jeff, he was her sisters boyfriend, then I met Dylan and Shane, they were Jeff’s friends. Jeff told me about the band, at the time he played the guitar and sang, but he sucked at guitar so I joined because I was way better and we ended up getting pretty popular, so eventually we decided to move to New York. I found out my mom died from alcohol poisoning about six months ago…, well that’s about all of my story”

“Wow, I had it so easy compared to you” I felt bad for him, and stupid for thinking I had it hard

“No, It’s hard no matter what when your parents are apart, especially when your dad is getting married to a bitch, and there daughter is a slut” Justin said, referring to Jennifer and Penelope Price. I had told him about them and my dad leaving my mom for her, he knew how it felt.

Justin looked at my guitar case, that was on the bed next to me, he got up and sat next to me and opened the case. He took the guitar out and examined it.

“Wow, this is an nice guitar” he said. I watched him as he gently ran his hand over the black and silver body and I shivered, he was just so dreamy and perfect.

“It’s a Les Paul Custom SG” I said, looking from him to the guitar.

“Yeah” he said, apparently he already new that “Can I play it?” he looked up at me

“Sure” I answered

He got up from the bed, still holding the guitar and plugged it in the amplifier. He played a short version of House of the rising sun, he was so good. It made me feel like I could hardly play.

“You play something” he said after he finished playing and handed the guitar to me. I took it out of his grasp and thought about what to play, I decided to play something I made up when I was little.

When I finished I unplugged the guitar and put it back in it’s case. When I finished me and Justin walked out to the living room.

Jeff was sitting there with a Dalmatian puppy beside him. I looked at the dog and then to Justin to ask.

“That’s Precious, Jeff’s puppy, he’s obsessed with her just like he’s obsessed with Brooklyn” He walked over to the puppy and picked her up then walked back over to me

“Here” he said, holding her out to me, when I took her she licked my face about 200 times, before I told her to stop. She was so adorable and loving, I fell in love with her instantly.

I walked over to put her back on the couch next to Jeff, then sat down on the seat next to her. Jeff looked up at me.

“So, you like dogs?” he asked me

“I love them, my mom would never let me have one though, because she thought they were gross.” I replied, rolling my eyes when I said “gross”

“Dogs are the best fucking things on earth… well besides girls” he chuckled when he motioned girls.

“Okay, then” I said, rolling my eyes again.

“Hey Maddie, want to go with me to get some food” Justin called from next to the door

I got up and walked over to him grabbing my sweater and backpack on the way “Sure”

He opened the door and walked to the elevator, I followed him.

“Hey, I’ll buy it for you guys” I offered

“No” he said in a I-mean-it kind of tone

When the elevator pulled to the stop we walked to the truck in silence. We ended going to McDonalds, We talked about guitars and our old lives a lot as we drove.

When We finished eating all the guys except Shane, who went back into his bedroom, went to watch TV.

I was really tired, since I hadn’t slept since 12:00 am yesterday and it was already 10:00 pm.

“I can sleep on the couch if you want” Dylan Offered “I have my own room, so it will probably be easier for you to sleep” Dylan, Jeff and Justin were all looking up at me waiting for my answer.

“If you don’t mind” I said

“Nope, Not at all” he shook his head and got up to show me his room. It had white bare walls and the same carpet as the rest of the house, the bed looked comfy. He walked over to a drawer and grabbed some boxers and a white shirt.

“Here you go” he said then walked out the room. I went to Justin’s room to get my pajamas from out of the door then remembered that I had forgotten to bring pajamas. I cursed then walked back in Dylan’s room, deciding I would just have to sleep in my underwear and shirt.

I slept very peacefully until 9:23 am, when Dylan was shaking me. I stirred then sat up.

“I just thought you would want to know that we are all going to the music store to buy me a new drum, I broke mine the day before yesterday” he said

“Oh okay, you want me to come?” I asked, hoping that he would say yes

“Yeah, totally” he said, I got up then screamed when I realized, I had only my underwear on. I was so embarrassed. Dylan laughed, and Justin, Jeff, and surprisingly Shane ran in the room yelling if I was okay. It was worse that I realized they were all seeing me in my underwear. I ran to the bad and pulled the comforter off then wrapped it over my body. All the guys did was stand there laughing at me freaking out. I glared at them then stormed to the chair, where my clothes were.

They all left me in peace to get dressed thankfully, When I had finally gotten dressed I walked out into the living room. Jeff and Dylan were grinning at me, and Justin Chuckled.

“Hey don’t be embarrassed, you look damn sexy in your underwear” Jeff said, as he laughed, Dylan rolled his eyes then nodded his head in agreement, I blushed.

We all ate breakfast then got in the truck to go to the music store, called Pro Gear, when we got there all the guy went there separate ways, I went with Justin to the guitars, He picked up a pack of picks and some new strings then headed over to the cash register. I walked over to the Les Paul hollow bodies and examined one.

“Really Pretty, huh” A guy said from behind me, I turned around fast and startled.

“Yeah… It is” I replied

“I wasn’t talking about the guitar” He smiled at me

I blushed “Oh, Umm, Thanks” I didn’t know how to reply when a stranger starts flirting with me.

“I saw you walk in with Justin and his crew, are you a new addition to their band?”

“Oh, no, I’m just a… friend” He raised his eyebrows

“You wanna be my… friend” He chuckled

Justin appeared then “what are you doing Brent?” he asked as he glared at him

“Absolutely nothing, well except for asking your little… “friend” here to be my “friend”, is that a problem, can’t we share “friends”.” He made little air quotation marks every time he said friend

“No we can not share friends” he took my hand and pulled me away from Brent

“I didn’t even get you name sweetheart” Brent yelled as Justin pulled me away. After we were out of the store. He stopped and turned to me.

“I’m sorry about that, Brent is… well he’s our band enemy” he chuckled when he said band enemy

“He saw you with us” he said, it wasn’t a question but I answered him any ways “Yeah, that’s what he said” I paused then added “He kept trying to flirt with me”

Justin looked down, then we both realized we were still holding hands so we let go quickly.

“Sorry” Justin said, I laughed “It’s okay”

“Well let’s go wait in the truck for the guys” he said. When we got in the car there was silence until the other guys got in the car.

“So Maddie there is this party tonight at 6:00 that we were invited to, you want to go with us?” Jeff asked

“Yeah, totally!!” I sounded overjoyed, but I had never been to a real party.

“Just try to lay off the drinking, since your only sixteen” Dylan said jokingly
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