Status: im really sorry guys, i was ill excited, i had three chapters that i was gunna release saved on my laptop, and then my friend spilled lemonaid on the laptop, onlg story short, the laptop with the three new chapters are trashed :( ill be working on getting those back

The Color of Teenage Love

My Father Might as well be my Prison Guard

The end of my life started with my daily wakeup call from my dad. yeah you read right, my dad, talk about fatherly love.
"Lola, are you up yet?"
"No dad, im just talkin to you in my sleep."
"Watch it Lola, ladies dont sass their fathers."
"Im truly sorry father."
"Good girl, now back to business, i have been informed that there's a boy at your school who's been bothering you? Kirin, i think his name is."
Huh? what?? no dad, Kirins my best friend."
"No matter, all teenage boys want is sex anyways, you will be transferring schools tomorrow."
"Butt dad..."
"No buts young lady. Hows 'bout we give public school a try? ohhh or finishing school. yes i do like the sound of that."
"No, no, its fine dad, ill go to public school."
"Good, in that case you will be attending Charaton High."
"Ok daddy, love you."
""Love you too princess."
The call ended.
"Love you too princess." i mimicked.
Gawd i hated that low life skum. i moaned and pressed my forehead against the polished marble countertop. arrrrg my dad was low, really, really, low. He loved power and money and nothing more then that.
My mother was a model. she was kind, sweet and beautiful. My dad only loved her for how successful she was. I still fail to see as to how the two of them had three kids.
I have one older brother, Alex, he comes and goes as he pleases. I had a twin , Lotta. Lotta was a perfect copy of our dad. White blond hair, icy blue eyes and fair skin. I took after our mother, i had dark hair, which highlighted gold in the summer and skin that tanned easily. My favorite feature was my eyes. they where just like my moms, a violent shade of purple.
Lotta was the best sister i ever could have asked for. we did everything together, we even called each other fake twins, because we didnt look anything alike.
Butt lifes hardly ever fair. One night, when my mom, Lotta and I where driving to one of my dads dinner partys, a drunk driver, doing 60 in the wrong direction hit us head on. My mom died instantly and i was fine but Lotta, she suffered a slow and painful death. By the time help got there it was to late for her. I can still remember being traped, in the dark, hearing Lottas wimpers and not being able to help her
The vibrating of my phone brought me back to reality. It was Kirin, or as i call him, Kiwi.
Kiwi: picking u up in 20!
Me: mmm,k,c u then
♠ ♠ ♠
ok, so this is my first attempt at a story.
PLEASE don't steal my story line, that would make me sad. :(