Status: im really sorry guys, i was ill excited, i had three chapters that i was gunna release saved on my laptop, and then my friend spilled lemonaid on the laptop, onlg story short, the laptop with the three new chapters are trashed :( ill be working on getting those back

The Color of Teenage Love

nosey neighbor

I woke up around 5:30, even though school didn’t start till 7:30. Kirin had offered me a ride to school so I wouldn’t have to ride the buss.
I turned on my TV while I was eating my cereal.
"William Dare of Dare Enterprises just recently bought a large portion of the rain forest and proposes to develop the land into a factory which will produce, cleaner burning energy."
I turned off the TV. It wasn’t even 6:00 yet and my old man had already put me in a bad mood.
I was washing my dishes when my dad called.
“Good morning princess."
“Mornin’ dad.”
“Are you ready for your first day of school? Hopefully we wont have any stalkers this time."
“But dad, Kirin isn’t a..."
“No buts young lady."
“Fine, hey, I saw you on the news this morning. Really dad? The rainforest?"
“Well its not doing anyone any good just sitting there looking pretty."
“Ahhhh dad, your such a bone head.” I started to raise my voice. "Do you know how many ecologists are gunna be up your ass about this?” I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth.
“Young lady, do not use profanity with me. Now, I have a meeting to get to. I will call you at 6:00 tonight and you can apologize for your actions then.
He hung up.
“Ahhhhhh” I screamed in anger and pounded the wall with my fist in frustration.
That jerk, that low life selfish jerk.
“Buzzzzzz, buzzzzzz."
“Huh?” I thought, “Who the hell is up this early?” I went to the front door and glanced through the peephole. There was a guy standing outside my door. He looked about my age, and kind of cute I guess, I mean, its kind of hard to tell when your looking through a peep hole in a door.
I opened the door.
“Uh, hi.” I said. Wow, nice job Lola, a cute guy shows up at your door and all you can say is uh, hi.
“ Hey, my mom sent me over to make sure everything’s ok...” his voice trailed off as I realized that he was checking me out.
“Everything’s fine.” I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I didn’t like how I couldn’t see his eyes, made me feel like he was mocking me.
“Are you sure cause..."
“I said everything’s fine” and with that I slammed the door in his face.
“Buzzzzz buzzzzzz.”
I opened the door
“What?” I asked demandingly.
“Sorry, I forgot to mention, I’m Jamie."
“That’s nice” I replied sarcastically
“I don’t think I caught your name."
“I don’t think I dropped it.” and I slammed the door in his face again.
I hate guys who treat me like a peace of meat, or a prize, that they can just through away when they’re done. Its probably the only reason the only guys I’m friends with are Kiwi and Alex.
Whatever, just because he was my neighbor didn’t mean I had to talk to him.
I went into my room and started looking through my closet for something to wear. At least I didn’t have to wear that stupid uniform any more
I ended up wearing my black skinny jeans, with my hot pink zebra striped shirt and my black converse. I clipped up my bangs and was applying my mascara and eyeliner with the doorbell buzzed for the third time that morning.
“Dam it, if its what’s his face again, I’m gunna be so pissed.” I said to myself.
I stormed back to the front hallway and swung open the door
“Cant you take a hint you freak, just leave me alone...Kiwi?!?!” I exclaimed.
“Uhhh good morning to you too.” he said looking quite confused.
“Sorry, I thought you where the kid from next door."
“Wow, what did he do to piss you off?"
“Ehhh, he bugs me, seems like the kind of guy that gets any girl he wants."
“So, a cocky bastard?"
“Yup, pretty much."
“Silly Lollipop, he probably wasn’t that bad."
“Yeah, well he wasn’t undressing you with his eyes was he."
“Fine, fair enough."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope ya likes it :D
Peace out girl scouts :D