Status: im really sorry guys, i was ill excited, i had three chapters that i was gunna release saved on my laptop, and then my friend spilled lemonaid on the laptop, onlg story short, the laptop with the three new chapters are trashed :( ill be working on getting those back

The Color of Teenage Love

Shaking up your world like a snow globe

I hugged Kiwi good buy before walking up the steps of my new school. A couple of people stared, but not that many.
I went to the main office to pickup my new schedule.
An elderly lady, who looked like she hadn’t moved from her desk sense the 80’s, glanced up at me as I walked in.
"Name please." she said in a voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard
"Huh? Oh, Lola, Lola Dare."
"Ahhh ms. Dare, we've been expecting you, here’s your schedule, have a nice day."
I was walking up the stairs in attempt to find my homeroom when I noticed that James kid, or was it Jesse? No I think he said his name was Jordan. He looked up and caught me staring. He nudged one of his friends and nodded in my direction. I heard his friend whistle as I stormed off down the hall. There was no way in hell I was sticking around to play eye candy for those losers.
After about 10 minutes of aimless wondering I finally found my homeroom and walked in. There was a lady sitting at the teacher’s desk typing something on her computer.
"Uhh, hi I’m Lola, I’m new."
"Oh, yes, Lola, take a seat, class will be starting soon." she said, barely looking up from the computer screen.
I took a seat in the back of the room, put my head down on the desk and closed my eyes
I wonder when Alex is coming back I wondered to myself.
"Ooooo who's Alex?" said a voice next to me
Oh my gawd, did I really just say that out loud? I looked over to see who had heard me.
Dam it, it was him again. When did he get there? I’m not gunna lie, he was hot. He wore a dark gray T-shirt and black acid wash jeans. His dark hair fell over his eyes and he had that stupid smirk on, you know the on that makes girls fall for him right and left. Too bad he was such an asshole.
I rolled my eyes and put my head back down in my desk.
"Geeze what’s her problem?" asked his friend.
"Ha I probably tiered her out after last night." he said.
His friends laughed and whistled in response. That cocky bastard.
I turned towards him and said coldly "you only wish you could get a peace of this." and put my head back down on my desk.
Jamie raised his eyebrows, suck on that you jerk, I thought to myself.
A girl walked up to me and glared down at me. She had blond hair, and a fake tan.
“Your in my seat.” she sneered
I tried to stiff a giggle but it ended up coming out anyways.
“What’s so funny?” she asked, her eyes narrowing.
“I’m sorry, but is that a tan? Because it looks like you got attacked by a mob of very angry orange markers.” I said, giggling again.
“Jamieeeee,” she whined, “do something about her.”
Oh, that was his name, I knew it started with a J. Jaime stood up. “Come on Celia, we can sit over here.”
“Whoa” said Jamie’s friend, the one who had whistled at me before.
“You better watch yourself girl,” He said, turning towards me, ”Celia’s gunna kill you, no one talks back to her.”
“Well then,” I said. “ I apologize for not being a total pushover.”
“ Your pretty cool, I’m Riley.”
“Thanks, I’m Lola.”
I had my next class with Celia, not that I was planning on hanging out with her or anything.
A girl with bright red hair sat next to me. She couldn’t have been more then 5 feet. She had big brown eyes and small elfish features.
“Hi,” she said, flashing me a perfect smile. “ I’m Josie, but you can just call me Joe.”
“Hey” I said,” I’m Lola, but you can just call me Lola.”
Celia sat down across the room from us, and glared.
“You know, I know that Celia doesn’t like me, but she usually ignores my presence, so that that glare must be for you.” Said Joe
“Ya probably, given I did make fun of her tan this morning.”
“Really? No way, well, you just became my hero of the day, not many people I know tell Celia that she resembles a carrot.”
I smiled. Well at least there was one person who wasn’t a stuck up snob.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so I'm dedicating this chapter to geekster101 and, because they where the first to comment on my story, and when i saw their comments i died of happyness and my ghost had to call 911. and when i came back to life I danced around my house like a fool for a good 10 minutes. I honestly didn't think anyone would like my story, so thank you thank you thank you!!
Peace out girl scouts :D