Status: im really sorry guys, i was ill excited, i had three chapters that i was gunna release saved on my laptop, and then my friend spilled lemonaid on the laptop, onlg story short, the laptop with the three new chapters are trashed :( ill be working on getting those back

The Color of Teenage Love

How to Defeat the Wicked Witch

“Hey” said Joe, nudging me in the ribs. ”Who’s your boy friend?”
It was still second period, which was English. We where doing a free writing assignment, which was pretty much the teacher just saying, “Ok you little brats, I didn’t actually plan anything, so go and find something else to do.
I looked at her like she had grown a third arm.
“What do you mean who’s my boy friend?”
“You know, that guy who you came to school with this morning. He’s your boy friend right?”
“Oh, no, that’s Kirin, he’s my best friend, not my boy friend. Why?” I asked.
“Well, I wasn’t the only one who saw you with him this morning. Celia saw you too.”
“Ya so?” I really didn’t see where this was going.
“Sooo Celia always tries to get with guys who are already taken by other girls.”
“Wait, I thought she was going out with Jamie.”
“Trust me, that hasn’t stopped her before, anyways, as I was saying, when she spots someone she wants she comes onto them within twenty-four hours of when she first saw the couple together. Which gives us till 7:22 tomorrow morning.”
“Wait, till 7:22 to do what?”
“All we have to do is wait and watch, and when Celia tries to seduce your friend we can record it on my phone and it will mysteriously some how get to Jamie.” She said with an evil smirk on her face.
“I don’t get it, doesn’t Jamie already know about this?
“No, whenever he does find out about her screwing around with other guys she just plays the “They where coming onto me” and the whole innocent crap, it’s sickening.”
“Wow” I said, “Do you like Jamie?” I asked
Josie laughed. “Nope, I just enjoy messing with Celia.”
“Fine, lets do it, Kirin’s picking me up after school?”
"Perfect, Celia will probably make her move then.”
Hmm, poor Kiwi, ehhh he’ll get over it, ill make him cup cakes or something.
“Ok,” said Joe “meet me at front doors after the last bell.”
“Ok, cool.”
The rest of the day went pretty well, I mean as well as my first day of being the new girl could go. People still stared at me like I was the main attraction at the local petting zoo, but hey it could have been worse.
It was finally my last class, French. French was my best subject, given my mother had spoken to us in French when we where little, so I was already pretty fluent.
I walked into my French class. You know what I said about my day being ok as far as first days go, yeah? Well I lied. Sitting in the back row was Jamie. Oh well there where 18 other people in the class, who said I had to speak to him? Or even acknowledge him for that matter.
“Ms. Dare?” said a petite woman with a heavy French accent.
“Here” I said.
“Ok Ms. Dare, there’s an empty seat in the back, next to Mr. Wolfe.” said the teacher gesturing towards Jamie.
Just my luck.
I sat down next to Jamie and stared straight ahead. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me.
“We will be starting our second quarter projects today, they will be due on Friday, so you have four days to complete it. It will be done with a partner and your partners have already been assigned, due to what happened last time I let you chose your partners.” Said the teacher.
Oh please, by all that is good and mighty please don’t pair me up with Jamie. I thought to myself. The teacher read off the names of who would be paired with whom.
“Ms. Dare, you will be paired up with Mr. Wolfe.”
Just my freaking luck. Sense when did my life get so cliché? Doesn’t this stuff only happen in those Internet stories and teen drams?
It seemed to take forever but the last bell finally rang. I was about to leave the classroom when I head a voice behind me say.
“Hey, Lola, wait up.” It was him again.
“What?” I said coldly.
“Do you want to come over to night to work on the project?
“Sure, is 6:15 ok?
“Uh, yeah, I guess so, buy why not just 6:00.”
“Because I have to do something at 6:00.”
“You have something to do, at 6:00, that only lasts 15 minutes?”
“Yeah, is that a problem?”
“Umm no? Then I guess ill just see you tonight?”
“Yeah, see you then, bye”
I got my stuff from my locker and went to the front of the school. Joe was already there with her camera phone out.
“Hey slow poke.” She said.
“Hey,” I said, “is Celia here yet?” I asked, noticing that Kirin was already standing about 100 feet away waiting for me. It took about five minutes but Celia final showed up. She said something to one of her friends and then made her way over to Kirin, just as Josie had predicted. When she got to him she tapped him on the shoulder. I heard Joe giggle evilly as she recorded the whole thing on her phone.
Kiwi turned around, and looked like he was about to say something to Celia when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. That wasn’t even the surprising part. Kirin grabbed her arms and pulled them off him and pushed Celia off him.
“Whoa” said Joe, ”That’s probably the first time that’s ever happened to her.”
Joe pressed the end-recording button on her phone.
“And now,” said Joe, with and evil glint in her eyes “we knock this wicked witch off her high horse.” As she sent the video to all of her contacts, including Jamie.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so hope you like the cliffy!
peace out girl scouts
-CC <3