Status: im really sorry guys, i was ill excited, i had three chapters that i was gunna release saved on my laptop, and then my friend spilled lemonaid on the laptop, onlg story short, the laptop with the three new chapters are trashed :( ill be working on getting those back

The Color of Teenage Love

I Dont Need a Kinght in Shining Armor ...Do I?

I must have fell asleep on the way home, because I woke up on a couch in Jamie’s lap with his arm around my waist. I don’t think he had realizes that I was awake, because he was on the phone with someone.
“It’s over, I’ve already seen it.” He said harshly into the phone. Who ever was on the other end of the line had a really screechy voice, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
“I don’t care, you’re a lousy good for nothing whore. “
“Stop calling me, and go screw around with some other guy.”
Click. He hung up and set the phone down.
“How much of that did you hear?”
Ok, so maybe he did notice that I was awake.
“Enough of it, you broke up with her didn’t you?”
“Yeah” he said, pulling me against his chest.
I felt myself blush.
“Shouldn’t we work on our French project?” I asked, awkwardly trying to change the subject.
“Eh, we can work on it tomorrow.”
He was silent after that, and I quickly fell asleep.
When I woke up I could hear someone moving around in the kitchen. I looked at the clock on the wall, it read 6:30. Jamie walked around the corner.
“Mornin’. My mom will be home around 7:00.” He said as he handed me a plate of waffles. I had forgotten how hungry I had been. I dug in. Never in my life had I been so grateful for a plate a frozen waffles.
When I was finished Jamie gave me a piggyback ride to my apartment
“Stay out here” I instructed him as I limped into my room. I really didn’t want that pervert trying to sneak a peek when I was getting changed. As I got ready a small smile crawled across my lips as I remembered Jamie’s sent, as I had lain curled up in his lap the night before. Stop this, instructed a voice in my head, you know he’s a player and probably doesn’t mean anything bye his actions.
“Yeah I know.” I said quietly to myself. Jamie was a player; I really shouldn’t lead myself on like that. In the end I knew that I’d only end up with disappointment.
I stepped out of my room; Jamie was still sitting on the couch where I had told him to stay. A small flashing light caught my attention; I had a message on my answering machine. Pressing the play back button I realized, shit, did I really miss his call again?
Jamie’s pov
Lola pressed the play button on her answering machine. A stern voice blared out of the speakers.
“Lola Dare this is the second call that you have missed from me, and I do believe action must be taken. I will be coming to America in two days with Claudette and Felix. We can discuss what to do with you when we arrive.”
A million questions raced through my head. Who the hell was that and why the hell did the think they could talk to Lola like that? I looked up at her, about to ask when I realized that her face had gone pale and her hands were shaking
“Ummm are you…” I started to ask.
“I fine” she snapped back, as she awkwardly limped towards the front door. On her way out she grabbed her backpack and made her way down the hallway to the elevator. I ran after her.
“Don’t you want my mom to look at your ankle?” I asked.
“Its fine, Kiwi can probably do something about it.” She answered coldly, any sign that she had been on the verge of breaking down moments before were gone now.
I put my self between her and the elevator.
“One, no your not ok, anyone with half a brain can see that, and two I really don’t think a fruit will be able to help you.”
She gave me a quizzical stare, and shook her head.
“Not kiwi as in the fruit, Kiwi as in the guy who gives me a ride to school.
Lola’s pov
I pushed pass Jamie, walking into the elevator, keeping my eyes down the whole time. Get a grip Lola I thought to myself. I really didn’t need Jamie to see me crying again, and if he did he would want to no why I was crying, and if that happened then I would break down right there and then and have no control over myself.
“Ill see you at school?” he said as the elevator doors closed in his face, it was more of a question then a statement actually.
“Yeah,” I said in a voice barley above a whisper, for fear that my voice would crack. “See you in school.”
♠ ♠ ♠
AHHHHHH! im so sorry that i took so long to get this out!! finally getting over this stupid case of writer’s block! yay!
peace out girl scouts ;D
-CC <3