Status: Discontinued? Finished? Hiatus? ... UNWRITTEN.

Moonless Night

La Push


“Jasper, are you almost done?” I overheard Edward ask Jasper as he started climbing the stairs looking back down.

“No,” He simply stated and left.

“What are they doing up there,” I finally asked, “They’ve been up there all day,”

“It’s something they tend to do when they get together,” Edward said briefly, “They’re making up for lost time. Why don’t I take you to the boarder right now?”



“So, I’ll be back to pick you up here later,” Edward kissed my forehead. He watched me walk over to Jacob before getting back into his car and reversing almost halfway down the street before swiftly turning around.

Jacob smiled brightly grabbing me in a big bear hug… or should I say wolf hug, “I haven’t seen you in a long time. Welcome back to La Push!” he hugged me again.

“I’m so glad to see you too Jake,” he opened the passenger’s seat to the Rabbit and let me slide in before closing the doors.

“Well, I’m sure everyone else will want to see you too. Let’s go to Emily’s. I heard she’s cooking something good tonight,”


“Ahhh Bella, welcome,” Emily embraced me in a hug, “It’s good to see you. You haven’t visited in a long time,”

“I know,” I smiled, “But once I heard you were cooking I ran over here,” She laughed.

The rest of the guys got up to say hi except for Seth who seemed to be off to the side. Almost like that little boy who always gets left out and ends up sulking in the corner.

I walked over to where he was standing staring out the window. He seemed to be quite concentrated, whether it was what he was observing or just deep in thought.

“Hey Seth,” He jumped turning around. I must have caught him off guard.

“Oh Bella, hi,” He said sounding relieved, “I thought it was someone else,”

Someone else? Who would be at Emily and Sam’s who would freak him out? That’s quite strange… I continued to talk to Seth and he seemed very tense the entire time. I wonder what happened with him. Maybe one of the guys has been messing with him. I’ll be sure to ask Jake about it later.

We all ate dinner together and it seemed as if everything was the same as always except for one thing. Seth and Jake couldn’t even look at each other. Something must have happened between them. That explains Seth’s behavior earlier.


We were finally in Jake’s car when I decided to ask, “So what’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” He questioned before he turned his attention back to reversing out of Sam’s driveway.

“There’s obviously something going on between you and Seth. I’d have to be blind not to notice,” That caused Jacob to quiver but he quickly calmed down taking very deep breaths.

“Something’s happened,” He couldn’t lie after he’d been affected so badly by just a simple accusation. I didn’t say anything hoping he would continue by himself, “Well you see, there’s not an easy way to say this…”

I nodded trying to urge him on. You could see he was having a problem with expressing what he was trying to say, “I… I’ve done something,” he stuttered, “And I can’t take it back,”

He was making this so much harder than it probably was. Dragging it out and milking it for all it’s worth, “So what is it already?” I was growing more and more impatient with every passing moment, “So…?”

“I think I’ve imprinted…”