Status: Discontinued? Finished? Hiatus? ... UNWRITTEN.

Moonless Night

It's Time


“Edward, they haven’t talked in a week,”

The look on his face expressed he didn’t seem to care much. The whole idea of wolves didn’t appeal to Edward much. That though was understandable.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, what do you want me to do?” He asked simply looking out the window of my bedroom.

“What is there to do? We can’t make her leave,” I pondered.

“We can’t afford her to leave,” Edward stated, “What are we going to do when Victoria is here with the newborns? She and Jasper have been making plan after plan to try and keep you safe. When the Volturi comes, she is going to be the only bridge between them and us. I hate to say it, but right now, she’s the only one who can keep you one hundred percent safe,”

I hated knowing that. It made me feel insignificant. The one person who disliked me to no end, the one person who couldn’t stand being near me, she was my only hope.

It only makes sense for it to happen this way though. Of course Jacob would imprint on her, the perfect vampire princess, and then his best friend, Seth, to fall for the exact same girl? It wouldn’t work out any other way.

“Say something,”

“I understand,” I looked away from him. I hated the situation we were in. I couldn’t stand being the cause of danger. If only he would just turn me already.

“Bella, I won’t turn you,” He was still looking out the window, “I won’t damn you to a life like mine, an undead life that never ends,”

“Well, what are we going to do now?”


Alice, Jasper, and Emmett were already assembled when Edward and I entered the house. They each sat quietly on the couches minding their own business.

“I saw you coming, we were all ere discussing something very important,” Alice said looking at Edward.

“Where’s Vierra?” Edward asked aloud.

“She’s gone out, probably hunting,” Emmett answered, “She said she had to go out and take care of something,”

“And Rosalie?”

“She’s around somewhere,” Emmett leaned back into the couch more stretching his legs out.

“Anyway, down to business,” Edward walked in front of everyone facing them, “Alice, do you know when they’re arriving?”

“It should be sometimes next week,” She closed her eyes trying to recall all the previous visions she had, piecing them together.

“Jasper, are you ready?”

“Yea pretty much, we just have to let the wolves know and we’re good to go,” He paused thinking for a second, “I think I’m ready for any possible scenario,”

Everyone sat still for a moment taking everything in until Emmett broke the silence, “Do I get a question, or am I just here?”

“Did you want one?”

Everyone turned around to look at whom it was.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t around to find out what you were talking about. Too bad I missed out. By all means, don’t stop on account of me. I’ll be sure to keep my mouth shut,”

Her eyes were the reddest I’d ever seen them. There was a threatening aura around her. Vierra was back and right now, it was not the time to mess with her.

“And I thought I would fill you in,” She stopped and paused for a moment to look at me staring for a second. Her red eyes pierced right though me. She then continued looking back at the group, “You all have been sadly mistaken. They’re on the way. Victoria will be making her grand entrance tonight,”