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Moonless Night

First Time


I remember when I first met Vierra. I thought she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever laid eyes on. I still believe that strongly. Vierra was on of those people who weren’t just beautiful on the outside, but the inside as well.

It was June 20, 1910, on my ninth birthday. It was a birthday tradition to go to the park and have a picnic. I went with my mother that year… That was the year a small blonde haired girl with big blue eyes ran up to me and took my hand. She pulled me off the park bench my mother and I sat on and stared into my eyes hers growing with curiosity, “We’re going to get married someday!”

My mother chuckled behind me looking down at the girl as well, “Why hello there. What’s your name?”

“Vierra Elizabeth Rose. You’re very pretty misses.” And she turned to me, “You’re the cutest boy in the whole wide world!”

“Aren’t you just a sweetie,” My mother said to the girl and placed her hand on my shoulder, “This is Edward,”

That began our friendship. Thanks to my mother I was lucky enough to say I had a best friend who had stuck by me from the very beginning. Every year after my ninth birthday Vierra came along.

I couldn’t watch that same little girl lay unconscious in front of me. Every time I looked of Vierra I thought of the first time we met. When she told me we were destined to be together forever.

“Edward, it’s going to be okay,” Bella said reassuringly.

Bella didn’t know anything about Vierra. She thought she had figured her out, but she hadn’t even grazed the surface. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for Bella. I can’t blame her though; it’s my entire fault. I should of let Vierra leave when she wanted to. Deciding to find a way to make her stay around longer was never a good idea. You can’t make someone stay when all they want is to be set free.

I looked at Bella glumly and turned away, “I’m going to go check on Vierra,”

When I entered the room I saw the window ajar and Demitri perched on a nearby tree branch gazing in. His red eyes searched mine and then he looked away. He nodded at me and leaped away back into the forest.

Once Vierra woke up I didn’t know what we were going to do about Demitri… much rather Jacob. Jacob was always somewhere nearby in the woods ready to come check on Vierra. Demitri was very possessive about certain things, Vierra being those certain things.

“Edward, Jacob’s here to see you,” Alice’s small frame stood in the doorway. I turned to look at her and nodded taking a quick glimpse of Verra. I went to shut the window and followed Alice back downstairs.

“Jacob,” I nodded at him as he turned from his conversation with Bella.

“Why was that bloodsucker in here,” He sneered looking at me like it was completely my fault.

“He let himself in,” Besides, he is her mate.

“I want you to keep him out. If you’re not going to be watching her, I will,” he said strongly.

“There’s only so much we can do right now Jacob,” I closed my eyes trying to relax. This was all stressing me out, “She’ll wake up when she’s ready. Until then she is fine how she is,”

I was the one making all the final decisions. I didn’t care who her mate was or who was in love with her more. I promised her long ago I’d take care of her forever, and that was one promise I intended to keep.