Status: Discontinued? Finished? Hiatus? ... UNWRITTEN.

Moonless Night



I opened my eyes to see a warm pair of golden honey lemon drops, dark bloody red orbs, and deep concerned chocolate brown eyes.

I was already dizzy. I shut my eyes again blocking out all of it, ‘Vierra’

‘Shut up Edward, make them go away,’

“Come on, time to get up,” I heard Edward say and began to nudge me very annoyingly.

I opened my eyes and looked around, “Edward Masen, I am going to kill you,”

“Not even slightly disoriented…” Demitri said quietly more like an observation.

“Demitri,” I smiled, “Didn’t expect to see you here. How are you?”

I heard someone else scoff in the background. I looked over and saw Jacob rather annoyed. Whatever, little dog boy can be an aggravated dunce in the corner for all I care it isn’t affecting me.

“Aro wanted us to kill the newborns,” Demitri turned around to look in the opposite direction. It was a habit he did normally. It wasn’t personal, he just doesn’t look at whom he’s talking to, “Turns out the situation was already taken care of. All except one…”

I already knew whom he was alluding to. So I guess Carlisle’s little pet didn’t make it out a live after all, “Jane wasn’t a fan,”

I smiled. Jane would think that way. I longed to be back in Italy. It had just hit me how long I’d actually been away, “How long have I been out?”

“A few days now. Nothing drastic has happened,” Edward said nonchalantly.

“Oh, she’s awake,” Bella looked utterly surprised as she passed by the door and stopped to walk in, “How are you feeling?”

“Honestly?” I asked a dark expression growing on my face.


“I’m starving,” I said exaggerating the ending. I knew I had caught her off guard when her eyes quickly flickered to Edward who did absolutely nothing but stand there.

“She hasn’t fed for a fw days now Bella,” Edward said trying to justify my response, “Demitri, did you want to…?”

“V, would you like little baby rabbit…” He looked at Edward and then towards Jacob, “…Or human?”

“I’m sure an animal will be fine. Whatever you can find nearby,” He was gone before I finished.

I looked at Jaocb again. He hadn’t said anything yet which was rather strange. By now he’s be bouncing off the walls with the most unimportant thing to say. Maybe he went through some major breakthrough when I was gone a figured being normal was fine. Under the circumstances of how normal we really could be.

“Mr. Black, “He perked up like a dog and looked right at me, “What the hell happened to you?”

He looked very confused and shrugged before he continued to shamelessly stare at me some more. Well I guess that kind of worked.

I got out of the bed quickly before anyone could stop me and ran over to Bella almost knocking her over, “How are you Isabella?”

I stuck my face in hers rather rudely, “I’m fine. How are you?”

“First of all, fine is not a good way to describe yourself to someone who’s been unconscious for the past however many days. Second, you asked already. Now I’m starving,”

I am a real bitch, aren’t I? Any normal human being would agree. I’d say you were crazy if you didn’t.

Demitri came flying in through the window with a rather large fox hanging from his hand. He was always a very good hunter. Probably thanks to his magnificent tracking skills.

“I think the human… and her pet should leave the room,” Demitri said quietly directing it at Bella and Jacob.

Watching a vampire feed was a very ugly process. Dealing with a vampire while it was feeding was also very dangerous. It was when we totally let go of humanity and let the inner animal take over completely.

Bella began to walk out understanding while Jacob stood defiantly. Bella silently walked over to him and pulled at him. She understood that this was just part of our nature… something Jacob couldn’t stand. For once, she was taking care of him.

Once they were gone Demitri walked over placing the fox on the bed and I sniffed at it my mouth salivating.

It was time for dinner.