Status: Discontinued? Finished? Hiatus? ... UNWRITTEN.

Moonless Night

Popping Champagne


“Jacob, I know you’re distracted for reasons that we will not be discussing right now, but you really need to focus,” Edward whispered to me while fixing his bowtie, “I swear Bella’s been calling you for the past half hour. You know you can’ leave the bride waiting,”

“Why didn’t you go see her?” I said still not quite focused.

“I tried, but Alice kicked me out. She told me it’d be bad luck if I saw the bride early,”

“Oh, that’s nice. What’d she say?” So maybe I wasn’t focused at all. It wasn’t like I didn’t have other things to be thinking of at this very second. Edward was just too needy.

“You my dear friend need some help,” Edward walked away and headed back into the room where Emmett was getting dressed. He had been trying to tie his bowtie perfectly for quite some time.

“Jacob, can you come help?”

I guess it wouldn’t kill me.


The wedding went perfectly fine even though everyone was panicking minutes before. The only one who was calm throughout the entire thing was Vierra. She sat and watched everyone without a hint to what she was really thinking. Maybe she was talking to Edward letting him secretly see her mental images of Bella the entire time.

All in all the service went beautifully thanks to Alice. Everything ran smoothly and Edward was just as disgustingly romantic as ever. I guess it was out of the question for me to think he’d tone it down. A guy could dream. I have a hunch that it affected Jasper though. All the love floating in the air must’ve made him sick. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so tense in his life. It wasn’t just me.

I sat absorbing my surroundings. When they served the main course I was extremely hungry. All this marriage stuff was sure straining my diet. I must’ve dropped a few pounds just to fit into my tux correctly. Cutting into the prime steak quickly I shoved it in my mouth to then try my best to not gag. The meat was way undercooked, figures.

I noticed Edward stand up and everyone stopped to look at him. He raised his glass ready to make a toast, “First and foremost I’d like to thank everyone for coming to celebrate with us today. I want to start with thanking Bella for loving me for who I am no matter what the situation,”

Everyone laughed at that, but only a select few really understood what he meant, “I’d like to thank my family for always being there for me through thick and thin. Like if we didn’t have Alice, we’d never have this beautiful wedding,” He stopped allowing everyone adequate time to laugh before continuing.

I looked around catching Vierra’s eye; “And finally, I need to thank Vierra for loving me, and when someone else came around to love me too, you still cared enough to keep loving me. What a selfish guy I am. I hope to always be around to receive your love and then give it back,”

Everyone in crowd gave their ohs and ahs before clapping. If only they understood what he really meant.

Right after that Edward got up and took Bella’s frail arm leading her to the dance floor for their first official dance as a couple. They looked truly happy together. Then I remembered I also had a girl who made me truly happy.

I looked over to the table where I had seen Vierra only to see her missing. I quickly scanned the dance floor thinking she might be dancing with one of the pack members or Emmett or maybe even Jasper if he manages to loosen up.

“Hey Alice, have you seen Vierra?”

She turned around looking, “I swear I just saw her before. She better not of already left. She made a deal with me, she’s supposed to be here for another hour or so,”

“Alright, well I’ll go look for her,” I walked around a bit like a lost puppy. Something in my brain told me to stop searching, but I kept looking anyway. My heart would never let me give up no matter what the situation was.

I headed toward the entrance figuring maybe she went out for some air. Just as I was about to tug on the door it opened and I sprang out of the way before it hit me in the face and the door cracked.

Without noticing my presence Vierra entered with a strange look in her eye. The door was opened more to reveal both her arms occupied with other things. She was with someone else.

“It has to happen tonight,” It was a deep and velvety. I knew that voice…

“I know, but what am I supposed to do? I can’t do it myself,” She looked agitated at whoever she was talking to before stepping forward entering the building.

I saw a pale arm around her tiny waist and instantly knew who it was. Demitri glided in behind her heading towards the main hall where the party was. To where my heart was going as it slowly fell from my chest.