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Alex All Over

Changing Skies;

I'm generally not one for acting on impulse. It's not like I don't like to be spontaneous, but I think major decisions should be thought out. Planned deeply so that nothing goes wrong. Or, at least nothing serious. I threw that entire theory out the window this morning. Literally. I packed two suitcases full of my clothes, and I tossed them­­­ out of my bedroom window.

See, I used to have one of those picture perfect romances. You know, the ones you see on the big movie screens that seem to always take place in the summer. Only my summer romance had lasted for almost a year.

Alexander William Gaskarth was my definition of love. It wasn't always that way, though. Before I actually got to know him, I tried to stab a rusted spoon through his stomach. Yeah, it's funny. But I'm serious.

Out of no where, Alex became the biggest Teddy Bear in the world. He pushed me off of my childhood swing, where I landed in a bush of throns and I ended up having to get five stitches in my left elbow. Obviously that wasn't the sweet part. After I got my stitches out on my seventeeth birthday, Alex waited until the party died down. It was then that he showed up at my bedroom door with a dozen roses and a stuffed cow. Don't worry, I didn't sleep with him. But I knew the moment I held that stuffed cow in my arms that he was different. He was meant for me.

We kept our relationship hidden for the first four months. It wasn't because we were ashamed of each other, it was mostly because his best friend, Jack Barakat, had taken a liking to stealing my underwear. We thought that maybe Jack had a thing for me but it turns out he found a website where girls could sale their underwear for freakish amounts of money. I should have been angry, but I wasn't, because he started to share the money with me.

Once we became an open couple, we spent six months doing the whole puppy love thing. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. But during the last three months of our ten month relationship, Alex and his friends: Jack, Rian, and Zack got offered a lot of money to take their band to California. I was hearbroken when Alex agreed it was for the best.

He left about three months ago, and my life has been Hell without him. I wasn't used to not having him around, and everytime I looked at the scar on my left elbow, I missed him. So that's when I packed my bags, that's when I threw them out my window. And that's also when I realized it would have been much easier to toss them down the stairs.

I just took my first steps off that awful plane, and I just inahled my first breath of California air. The first thing I noticed was the heat, the second thing I noticed was that my bags were missing.

So, after a ten minute search for my suitcases, and a thirty minute fight for a cab, I found my way to Alex Gaskarth's home. I was instantly relieved when I could look at that scar without my heart hurting. In just a few short moments, I would be seeing my Teddy Bear again.

I couldn't wait.
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