Status: Oneshot. Complete!


Hey, here’s a new oneshot inspired by the episode “Every Picture Tells a Story” from Season 1 of “8 Simple Rules”. I liked the part where Carter Tibbits tells Rory he has something he looks for in all the kids who are in his at-risk youth program – character. (Plus, John Ritter was great in that episode, as he was in all the 8 Simple Rules episodes with him in them. He made that show what it was, and he did a fantastic job portraying Paul Hennessy, too. He will be missed.) And the part where Rory mentions the contest the family held when they wanted to pick a place to go for their two-week family vacation, on the condition that they give up a bad habit (Rory’s was tattling), references the Season 1 episode “Give it Up”.

So I decided to cook up a oneshot about Carter’s thoughts on Rory. It takes place after the “Goodbye” episode, where Carter made his second appearance. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: The geniuses at ABC own 8 Simple Rules. I own the oneshots, stories and poems. The lyrics to Point of Light by Randy Travis belong with their respective owners.
  1. Remembering Paul Hennessy
    Carter Tibbits remembers Paul Hennessy as he meets with Rory again.