Forever Yours

Moving Forward

After getting back with Zack, I sub-leased my apartment to a friend of mine who was looking for a place. Then, Zack and I started to look for an apartment in LA.
Zack’s plan was to move back to San Francisco with me when he saved enough money and when I fixed things with my family, i.e. Matt. I couldn’t leave Matt now. Not when I was just getting to know him better.
Anyway, we actually found a place pretty fast—within three days of looking. It was in our budget and close to both out parents’ houses. It was a perfect one bedroom apartment with a good sized kitchen and one and a half bathrooms. It’s perfect.
The day we got it, I sent for all of my things from my apartment in San Francisco, which would arrive safely the next morning. But in the mean time—Zack, me, Eric, and Jake, helped to move in all of Zack’s stuff from his house with Molly.
She wasn’t home when we went there. It didn’t look like anyone had been there at all for a really long time. It was starting to get dusty and it just seemed—empty.
After we were done moving everything, the four of us went out for pizza.
“Well, I knew all along that you two were gonna get back together,” said Eric.
“Yeah, it was so obvious,” said Jake.
“Whatever,” I said.
“Yeah, Chris never had a chance,” said Jake smirking.
“Leave Chris alone,” I said. “He’s still my friend.”

• • •

The goodbye that Chris and I had was very emotional. He was flying back to San Francisco. I offered to pay, but of course he refused. Zack was in the background watching us say goodbye, but I didn’t care. Chris had been my best friend through all of this despite what he felt for me and also despite what I didn’t feel for him.
I hugged him which must’ve been forever, but didn’t seem long enough and he finally his cab driver got impatient. He left and I waved as his cab disappeared.
I walked back to Zack and wrapped my arms around him. I really was gonna miss Chris. He held me tightly and I cried on his shoulder.
“Chris really means a lot to you, doesn’t he?”
“He’s been really great through all of this,” I said.
“I’m glad you had someone to turn to. This hasn’t been easy for me. I can’t even imagine how hard it’s been for you.”
I looked at him and smiled. “You know, the old Zack would’ve been insanely jealous of Chris.”
“I know, but I have no place to be jealous now. I let you go the last time we were together. It’s only natural that you find other people. I did.”
I smiled and was filled with happiness. “I love you, Zack.”
“I love you too.”

• • •

Since Zack didn’t want to bring the bed from his house with Molly, I moved in the bed I had in my room. It was old and just a little too small, but it would do until the movers came with my bed from San Francisco which is king sized and only a few months old.
As we lay there on my old bed, I put my hand on his chest and snuggled up to him. I couldn’t believe that I actually had him in my arms after all these years of regretting breaking up with him. But at the same time, I don’t regret breaking up with him.
What if I never broke up with Zack and his jealousy just got worse? What if I grew to hate him instead of love him? Breaking up with him was probably the best thing for the both of us.
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