Forever Yours

Afternoon Delight

“Maybe, maybe we should take Matt to his grandmother’s while we take care of your divorce.”
“Are you sure?” Zack asked.
“Listen, I have no clue about how to take care of a kid and with your divorce coming up, we’re going to be really busy. Kids need a lot of attention, Zack. I think maybe it’s best if he stays with his grandmother.”
“Rachel and your father didn’t think that was best, or else they wouldn’t have gave you custody.”
“I know. It’s just for a little while.”
“Rain…you know that you can sign custody over to Martha if you don’t think you can take care of him.”
“I know.”
“It’s not a big deal. Then, we won’t have to move to San Francisco and you’ll still get to see him.”
“I just don’t want him to think that I left him. I’m his closest relative, Zack—besides Jenna.”
“No one will blame you. Actually, they’ll admire you.”
“If you know that you can’t take care of Matt properly and give him up even though you don’t want to, that’s hard and people will admire you for that.”
I knew Zack was right. I know that I won’t be able to take of Matt the way that he should be taken care of. But how am I supposed to let him go? I told him that I’d never leave him. Of course, it’s still technically not leaving him. I’ll be able to see him, right? Martha will let me see him. If I sign him over, she really doesn’t have to, but I would like to think that she would.
Or maybe, I could sign him over to Jenna instead. She’s married and was about to start a family. Maybe could take care of Matt. She would definitely let me see him whenever possible. That’s it. Maybe I’ll talk to her. When I brought it up with Zack, he thought it was a great idea. So, we booked lunch with our siblings. Don’t forget, Jenna is married to Zack’s older brother, Greg.

“So what’s the occasion?” Jenna asked as the four of us sat down to lunch at a local bistro.
“Well, I have sort of a proposition for you,” I said. “But let’s start eating first.”
The server came and took our orders and since it’s a bistro, it didn’t take long for the orders to come out. We all started to eat our food, talking about whatever. Then, I knew it was time to bring up Matt.
“So, you both know that I have custody of Matthew, but…I’m just afraid that I’m way too young myself to be taking care of a child. I don’t know the first thing about it.”
“What’re you saying, Rain?” Jenna asked.
“I’m saying, would you be willing to take care of Matthew? I know it’s sudden, but Matthew needs a home with people who actually know how to take care of him.”
Jenna and Greg looked at each other and then back at us.
“Rain, you know what you’re saying right?”
“Of course I do, but I want what’s best for Matt and that’s not with me.”
“Zack, what do you think of this?” Jenna asked.
“I support Rain. This is ultimately his decision.”
“Look, you guys. I’ve thought this through. I just need to know that you guys will do this, or I’ll have to go to Rachel’s mother and I know she doesn’t like me. I know she won’t let me see him if I sign his custody to her.”
“Is it okay if we think about it?” Greg asked.
“No, go ahead and take your time. I know it’s a big decision that you have to make.”

When we got back to my mom’s place, we knew that she was still out with Matthew. She said she wouldn’t be back until dinner. That gave Zack and I time to be ‘alone’ together.
The feeling of his bare chest against my lips was like getting a much needed rejuvenation. As our bodies become one body in tight thrusts, I could feel all of my tension flying out of my body. And laying beside him after, holding hands, was like heaven.
“I missed you,” I said.
“It’s been a while,” said Zack.
“I’m sorry. Everything’s just been so crazy.”
Zack moved to his side and leaned over me, putting his hand on my chest. “Don’t apologize. I love you and you love me and we both know it. That’s enough.”
We heard the door and we both quickly dressed, pecking a kiss before we went downstairs. I expected it to be mom with Matt, but it was Jenna.
“Were you guys, just…” She shook her head. “Never mind”
“What’s up Jenna?”
“I wanna say yes. I’ll take care of Matt.”
I smiled and went to softly hug her. “Thank you.”
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I made a new Poll. Should Zack and Rain Get Married? Please participate.