Forever Yours

A New Record

It took about a month to get everything in order concerning Matthew and Jenna. Once I explained to Matthew why he had to go with Jenna, he understood and he was okay with it because I said I would come to visit as much as I could. I thought he would put up more of a fuss, but he didn’t and I was glad. I was already crying without him making a fuss.
“Are you okay?” Zack asked me as we walked back into my mom’s house.
“Yeah,” I said wiping my tears. “That was just really hard to do, ya know.”
He wrapped his strong arms around me and spoke softly into my ear. “Yeah, I know.”
He walked me over to the couch and I sat into his body. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we just sat there. Zack turned the television on and started to flip the channels. Then, Jake walked through the door.
“So how’s the happy couple?” He asked, inserting himself between us.
“Well, we were happy until you came between us,” said Zack.
“Literally,” I added.
“I just came to tell you that mom is having my boyfriend over for dinner.”
“What?” Zack asked.
“I second that what,” I said.
“Right,” said Jake. “I don’t think I ever told you. Do you remember that guy, Deacon?”
“So, what happened to just having fun with Deacon?” I asked.
“Well, things got a bit serious with him, so we decided to go exclusive.”
“So, he’s your boyfriend?” Zack asked.
“Yes, gah! You’d think two guys would be able to get this.” Jake shook his head. “Anyway, mom’s having him over for dinner and you guys are invited, too.”
“When’s this dinner?” Zack asked.
“Tonight at six-thirty, so if it’s okay, I’m gonna chill here until dinner.”
“Sure, it’s okay,” I said.
Zack looked at me in shock. “It is?”
“Yeah, we were gonna go back to our apartment anyway,” I said.
“But what?” Zack asked.
“I was hoping to hang with my brothers before this dinner.”
“Well, I can go back to the apartment and you guys can give Greg a call,” I said.
“I was talking about you and Zack, Rain. You’re just as much my brother as he and Greg are. How long is it gonna take to get that through your head?”
I looked over at Zack who was smiling at me. “Well, what do you wanna do?”
“What were you guys gonna do before I came in?” He thought about it. “Never mind, I don’t wanna know. Maybe I’ll just go over to Deacons.”
“Why can’t you go home?” Zack asked.
“Are you crazy? You know how mom is before dinner parties.”
“Right,” said Zack. “Well, just give Deacon a call them. Rain and I were hoping for some alone time.”
“Fine, fine, I get it. Can one of you at least give me a ride to Deacon’s?”
“Well how’d you get here?”
“I walked. It’s only a few blocks remember? Deacon’s is like three miles down the beach.”
“I’ll take you,” I said. “Zack, you can meet me at home in fifteen minutes?”
“Sure,” he said. We all got up from the couch. I went and gave Zack a big hug and a quick kiss.
On the way to Deacon’s I decided to grill Jake about his “boyfriend”.
“So, what happened between you and Deacon that you decided to go serious?” I asked.
“What business is it of yours?” Jake asked smartly.
“I was just wondering. After all, I thought we were brothers.”
“Rain, even if you were my actual brother, I would never tell you this. This is something I only tell my best friend.”
I smiled. “So did you have sex?”
I could tell he got really uncomfortable. “Rain, I told you that’s none of your business.”
“You know all my and Zack’s business,” I said. “You snoop any chance you get.”
“That’s different. Little brothers are supposed to snoop into your business.”
“Jake, I’m gonna find out one way or another, so you might as well tell me.”
“What’s the big deal, Rain?”
“The deal is that I don’t think this is who you are. I just want you to be true to yourself.”
When we got to Deacon’s house, he was waiting outside for Jake. Jake got off the car and gave Deacon a kiss. When I looked at his face, it wasn’t pretending. He looked like he was genuinely kissing Deacon with passion. I immediately felt bad for second guessing his sexuality. I have to remember to apologize to him later on.
Jake waved goodbye and I drove back to my apartment. It was good to be home and I could feel my excitement building up as I rode the elevator up to the third floor. By the time I was walking down the hallway, my heart was beating so fast that I could actually feel it. When I opened the door I didn’t see Zack, but he was definitely there because I saw his car in the parking lot. I closed the door and put my keys in the bowl on the stand by the door.
“Zack,” I called. When there was no answer, I called him again. “Zack”
I walked to the bedroom, where I found him pouring champagne into two champagne flutes. He dropped two small strawberries into them and gave a flute to me.
“Hey you,” he said with a big grin.
“Hey, what’s all this for?” I asked.
“For being the greatest, sexiest boyfriend in the world.”
“Aw, you’re so sweet.” I gave him a kiss and then took a sip of the delicious champagne. “Okay, that’s enough for me.”
I put my champagne down and so did Zack. We walked to the bed and started our kissing over again.
“Zack, we’ve got your mom’s dinner tonight,” I said.
“I know,” he said in between kisses on my neck. But then he started to suck my neck.
“Zack, please…oh God that feels good!”
“You want more?” he asked me.
I answered in a moan and things just kind of progressed from there. By the time we were done, it was almost five-thirty. We were going at it for almost two hours. I do believe that is a record for us.
“Shit, now we’re not gonna have enough time to get ready for dinner,” I said.
“Well, we can cut our prep time in half if we take our shower together.”
“Oh, no…I know what you’re gonna try once we get in there.”
“So what, now I can’t be turned on by my super hot boyfriend?” He had a big grin, the really cute kind.
“Of course you can, but when we don’t have somewhere to be.”
“Okay, if I behave, can we take a shower together?”
“Well, it would be a real time saver,” I said.
“I promise I won’t try anything.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
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