Forever Yours


We arrived at Zack’s parents’ house with a cheap bottle of wine we bought from the liquor store down the street from our apartment building. His mother hugged me and I shook his dad’s hand. They were happy to see us. But when we walked in and Zack’s mom looked at me again, her eyes went big.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
She discreetly scratched her neck. I got the feeling that she was trying to tell me something.
“Oh shit, Rain,” said Zack.
“What?” I asked.
He didn’t get to tell me. Jake walked in with Deacon. Deacon is tall, taller than Jake with dark brown hair that sweeps across his face, perfect skin Everyone surrounded them with hugs and greetings. Jake looked at me and jumped back.
“Shit, Rain, you guys couldn’t wait until after dinner to make out or what? What’s with the big hickey?”
I was horrified. I hit Zack on his shoulder and he backed off with a laugh. “I told you to stop, but you just kept going! Now I have this big ugly thing on my neck.”
“Oh, your neck is anything but ugly,” said Zack in a playful way.
“You guys are worse than us. I don’t think I’ve ever even had a hickey,” said Jake. “And we make out a lot.”
I could tell that Deacon was embarrassed. His face flushed red.
“Come with me,” said Mrs. Morgan. “I’ll help you cover it up.”
“Thanks,” I said.
I followed Mrs. Morgan upstairs to her bedroom. She sat me at a vanity while she looked for her cover up.
“You know, I can’t tell you how happy I am that you and Zack and doing well.”
“I don’t think anyone is happier than me and Zack,” I said. “I think that our time apart really helped us.”
“You know he was miserable for at least the first three years without you.”
“Really?” I asked as she started to cover up my hickey.
“Yeah, he stayed here for most of that time and he even stayed out of school for a semester. He never went out. He barely ate. He barely showered. He barely even came out of his room.”
“Why-Why are you telling me this?”
“I just want you to know that…that Zack really loves you and I just know you two belong together. And…You’ll always be like a son to me.”
She was done and I turned to her and hugged her. She hugged me back tightly.
“How do you feel about Jake?” I asked.
“Well, at first I thought it was just because he wanted attention, but he seems to be really serious about this Deacon boy.”
“I thought the same, but you’re right. He really does seem happy.”
“Let’s go back downstairs before they catch on that we’re gossiping about them.”
Mrs. Morgan and I walked downstairs and Zack was pouring him and his dad a glass of wine. They asked me if I wanted some, but of course I said no. We all walked to the dining room and the table was full of freshly cooked food; including macaroni and cheese, sautéed green beans, and a big pot roast was in the center of the table.
“Wow, Mrs. Morgan, this looks amazing,” said Deacon.
“Thank you, Deacon. You’re so sweet.”
Everyone passed around plates and bowls of food to serve their plates. The conversation was fairly regular even though Mr. and Mrs. Morgan were having their sons and their boyfriends for dinner. It didn’t seem like it mattered to them. We were laughing and talking about funny things that Jake and Zack have done.
“How long have you and Zack been together?” Deacon asked to break a silence that had fell over the table.
“The answer to that question is sort of complicated,” I said.
“I think that’s an understatement,” said Jake.
“We met when we were kids in Hawaii,” said Zack.
“I was there,” said Jake. “There were sparks."
“You were eight years old,” I said.
“So, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t know what was going on between you two,” said Jake. “It was obvious from the beginning.”
“Well, anyway, after Hawaii, we’d thought we’d never see each other again,” said Zack.
“But we ended up going to the same school,” I said.
“But Zack had a girlfriend.”
“What?” Deacon seemed confused.
“Zack is bi,” said Jake. “Just like me,” he said with a smile.
“So what happened?” Deacon asked.
“Zack left his girlfriend for Rain,” said Jake. “That seems to happen a lot, doesn’t it?”
“Jake, can you please just tone it down?” I asked.
“Another thing I don’t get,” said Deacon. “Jake, your brother is Zack, but you seem to be more like brothers with Rain.”
I looked at Zack. He seemed blindsided by Deacon’s comment. I put my hand on his hand. I could tell that Jake felt bad about what Deacon said as well.
“No,” said Jake. “Zack is my brother. Rain is more like a best friend that’s family.”
“Rain will always be a part of this family,” said Mrs. Morgan.
“Exactly,” said Mr. Morgan.
I could tell that cheered Zack up. He started to smile widely and then kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and he whispered into my ear.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“You guys are like sickening in love,” said Jake.
“Exactly,” said Zack. “Rain…there’s something I’ve wanted to ask you something for a while now, but I’ve been waiting for the right time.”
“What is it?” I asked.
“Will you marry me?”
“Oh my god!” Mrs. Morgan gasped.
Jake was smiling and so were Mr. Morgan and Deacon. I wanted to say yes, but for some reason it wouldn’t come out. I was so surprised. I wanted to cry. Finally, I managed to say what I wanted to.
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