Forever Yours

Champagne Dinner

As soon as that yes came out of my mouth, a shriek came from Zack’s mom.
“Looks like it’s time to open that bottle of Champagne that’s been chilling in the fridge forever, Honey,” she said to Mr. Morgan.
“Mom, Rain doesn’t drink,” said Zack.
“I know, but you can have one drink to celebrate right?” Mrs. Morgan asked me.
“Of course.”
She clapped and disappeared into the kitchen. Zack took my hand into his and then kissed the top. I looked into his eyes and smile shyly. The connection between us was stronger than ever. I could feel it in my bones.
Mrs. Morgan brought champagne flutes for everyone. She explained that she normally wouldn’t give alcohol to minors, but this was a time for celebration. She poured champagne all around.
“Don’t tell you parents, Deacon,” said Mrs. Morgan.
“You don’t have to worry about that,” said Deacon.
“Okay, I just want to welcome Rain to the family,” said Mrs. Morgan
“Like he wasn’t a part of it already?” Jake asked.
“True, but now it will be official,” Mrs. Morgan continued. “I know that you and only you are the one that will forever make my Zack happy. He really is kind of boring without you.”
“Tell me about it,” said Jake.
“Jake stop interrupting your mother,” said Mr. Morgan.
“I just thought this dinner was supposed to be about me and Deacon.”
“It is,” said Mrs. Morgan.
“That not what it looks like.”

I felt bad. Jake was right. This dinner was supposed to be about him. I prayed that Mrs. Morgan would get through her toast quickly.
“Well, welcome to the family Rain. I’ve always thought of you as a fourth son and now it will be true.”
We raised our glasses and all sipped our champagne. Then, Mrs. Morgan quickly swept up Jake and Deacons and with my signal, mine as well. She disappeared once again into the kitchen and came back to sit down.
“Okay, now that that’s over with, let’s finish dinner. Ooh, I’m so happy.”
“You didn’t get this happy when I announced my engagement to Molly,” said Zack.
“That’s because I’ve known all along that you belong with Rain.”
“Hey, um, Jake, how did you and Deacon meet?” I interrupted.
“We met at school,” said Jake.
“At the gay-straight alliance,” said Deacon.
“I had just joined because I was starting to question my sexuality,” said Jake. “Deacon helped me accept it.”
“How long ago was this?” Mrs. Morgan asked.
“Um, right after Zack’s wedding. Look, this is uncomfortable. Why don’t we just have desert or something?”
“Um…okay…if you want,” said Mrs. Morgan. “It’s apple pie. Is that okay with you Jake?”
“Yes, mom…”
I could tell that Jake was still irritated. I looked over at Zack who still seemed to have no clue. I wondered what happened between Jake and Zack that has them so far apart. I made a note to ask Zack about it when we got him. He’s gonna wanna make love, but I won’t until I fix things with him and Jake.
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sorry for taking so long my loves, and sorry that this is so short. I've been really distracted my tumblr and new friends to write, but I figured that I'll post this to keep you guys from foaming at the mouth for an update. I hope you enjoyed the short chapter.