Forever Yours

A Shocking Turn of Events

“Why would I be mad at you for saying that?” I asked Zack.
“I don’t know. I just know how you are about your dad.”
“Look, no one knows better than me how fast you could go from loving to hating your father, and you’re right…I miss loving father, but he did something that I could never forgive.”
“Rain, all I’m saying is maybe you should start giving your dad a second chance. It’s been almost eight years.”
“What about you? Are you ready to forgive my father?”
“That’s different.”
“I saw the guy try to kill you—the person I love. I can never forgive him for that. But he’s not my father. I can go my entire life, not speaking to that man and be totally okay. Your situation is totally different.”
“I guess you’re right.”
In all this conversation, we finished the stir fry that we were making for our dinner. We sat next to each other on the couch, with bowls close to our mouths and our eyes on the television.
As we were eating, the telephone rang. Zack answered. His face turned to worry and then he handed me the phone.
“It’s the hospital,” he said. “They’re asking for you.”
I was just as scared as he was now. My hand shook as I reached for the phone.

• • •

Zack and I walked into the hospital. I was so nervous that I felt like I wanted to puke. We ran up to the nurse’s desk and asked for my father and Rachel. They directed us to the ICU.
We talked to two doctors there. We talked to the doctor that was working on my dad and the doctor that worked on Rachel. Dr. Herman, my dad’s doctor said that it wasn’t looking good for my dad and Dr. Miles didn’t have news that was any better than Dr. Herman’s news.
“Rachel, does she have any family that we can notify?” asked Dr. Herman. “There’s none on her record.”
“I don’t know,” I said. “I only just met her a few months ago.”
“Your father,” said Dr. Miles we called you because...because his records say you’re his next of kin. I’m sorry to tell you that your father probably won’t make it.”
“What? You’ve gotta help him doctor, please.” I couldn’t believe I was actually saying this. It was like some sort of out of body experience.
“I’m sorry Mr. Montgomery. We’ve done everything we can for your father. His injuries from the car wrack are just too severe.” He sighed. “He’s conscious if you’d like to see him. We’re keeping lightly sedated, but I’m afraid that’s all we can do.”
“Go,” Zack whispered in my ear.
I walked into the ICU room they had my father in. He was bruised and bloody. My father cleared his throat and I found myself tearing up.
“Rain,” he let out with a raspy voice.
I sat beside his bed. “Shh, dad, don’t talk.”
“I—I know I don’t have much longer. The doctors, they told me.”
“It’s okay dad. You’re gonna be okay.”
“Rain, stop it. Just listen to me for once.” He coughed and held his side in pain. “I know you haven’t believed me for all these years, but I really am sorry for what I’ve done to you and…I regret that we could never make up, but my biggest regret is what I’ve done.” He cleared his throat again. He was spitting up blood. “Just remember one thing—I love you. I always have and I always will. You’re my son.”
Tears ran down my face. “I—I love you, too dad.”
He cleared his throat. “Tell, Tell Matthew and Rachel that I love them and, and your sister and your mother.”
“Don’t worry, dad.”
“Is Zack here with you?”
“Yes,” I answered.
“Bring him in.”
For a minute I just stared at him. He must delirious or something. He actually wants to talk to Zack? But the more serious he looked, the more seriously I took him. So I got up and left the room. I walked to Zack, wiping my tears.
He wrapped his arms tightly around me. “He wants to see you,” I said.
“What?” he asked, holding me at arm’s length.
“He wants to see you,” I repeated.
Zack and I walked into his room together.
“Zack,” said my dad. Zack stood beside my dad’s bed. I stood beside Zack as he looked down at my dad.
“You wanted to see me?”
“I know that you love my son.”
“I do,” said Zack with confidence.
“I know that you’ll take care of him, like you always did when you were kids.”
“I will,” said Zack, his confidence rising.
“Good,” my dad’s throat grumbled again. “I’m so sorry for everything I’ve put you both through. I hope you believe me.”
Zack didn’t say anything. I had a funny feeling that he still wasn’t ready to forgive my dad. I guess that’s understandable. But he nodded.
“I believe you,” said Zack.
My dad coughed and his heart rate started to plummet. The doctor and at least three nurses rushed in. One of the nurses shuffled Zack and me out.
A few minutes later, the doctor came out with a solemn look on his face. “I’m sorry, Mr. Montgomery. We couldn’t do anything more.”
I swallowed the big lump in my throat that I’ve had since I got the phone call at home. I nearly fell to the floor, but Zack caught me, of course. After he caught me, I gathered myself.
“I’m very sorry for your loss,” said Dr. Miles.
Not long after Dr. Miles left, two policemen came up to us.
“Are you Mr. Rain Montgomery?” one asked. He was taller.
“Yes, sir,” I said, sniffling.
“We’re here to inform you that we’ve arrested the man who hit parents’ car,” said the shorter officer.
“Oh, um…Rachel is my stepmother,” I corrected.
“Right, sorry about that,” said the officer. “Witnesses, your father was making a left turn and the other driver rammed into the driver’s side of the car going pretty fast.”
“Nothings official, but it’s most likely that he’s be charged with manslaughter in the case of your father and reckless endangerment in the case of your stepmother in addition to the DUI charges.”
“He was drunk?!” I couldn’t believe it. Actually, I could believe it.
“Yes, sir, the Los Angeles Police department will be in contact with you over the next few days.”
“Thank you officers.”
They shot us a friendly smile and then went on their way. Zack hugged me again, tightly.
“At least they caught the guy,” said Zack.
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