Forever Yours


Rachel’s sister and parents showed up to the hospital right after my father died. Zack and I left the hospital and went back to our apartment.
“What am I supposed to tell my mom and, and my sister?” I asked.
“Um, obviously you have to tell them the truth.”
“Obviously, but I seriously don’t know how I’m gonna tell them. I still haven’t processed it, myself.”
“Why don’t we take a break, rest a while? Then we can worry about telling your mom, and Jenna.”
“Hold me, Zack.”

• • •

Zack drove me to my dad’s house. That’s where we ran into Rachel’s mom. She was crying on the couch.
“Oh my God, what happened?” I asked.
“She’s gone,” said Rachel’s sister, wiping her tears.
I was speechless. The only thing I could say was, “Where’s Matt?”
“He’s upstairs. We haven’t told him,” said Rachel’s mother. “We’re waiting here for their attorney. She should be here pretty soon.”
“Is it okay if we stay?”
“Of course,” said her mother.
You might think it’s weird to be thinking about legal things so soon after the death of both Rachel and my father, but it wasn’t about money. It was technically about Matt and I think we all understood that. We needed to know who they wanted his legal guardian to be.
I love Matt, but I secretly hoped that it wouldn’t be me. I’m in no position to raise a child. I don’t have a house to raise him in for one. I just…I hope it’s not me. But why would they leave me Matt anyway. I only met him a few months ago. It would be a mistake to leave him with someone he barely knows.
When the lawyer arrived, she started going on about how they just recently changed their wills—two weeks ago.
“Originally, in the event of their death, custody of Matthew was to go to Jenna Montgomery.”
“My sister?” I asked in amazement.
“Yes,” she said. “But they changed it. Now, custody of Matthew goes to…you, Rain.”
“Wait, why me?”
“Well, I can’t say, but there is this letter.” She handed me an envelope. Rachel’s family seemed shocked. I’ve never seen people more shocked.
The letter read as follows:

Dear Rain,
If you’re reading this, I’m probably gone. You’re probably wondering why I would leave Matt with you and Ryan considering our history, but you must understand that you were the only possible choice for us. Jenna was our first choice, but once we saw how quickly Matthew attached himself to you, we knew we had to change that. He never latched onto Jenna like he did to you. I guess the idea of having a brother to a little boy is much more exciting. I know you’ll do right by him and hopefully now you’ll realize that I do love you and trust you enough to put my youngest son’s life in your hands. Don’t worry. You’ll do an excellent job.

A tear hit the paper and I quickly wiped my face and then wiped the letter. I looked at Zack and he put his hand on the small of my back and gave me a strong smile. What am I going to do?—I thought—I have no idea how to take care of a kid.
“This can’t be right,” said Rachel’s mom.
“Yes it is, ma’am. I handled the arrangements myself,” said Mrs. Peterson, the attorney.
“How could she leave Matthew with some stranger?”
“Rain” Matt called from the top of the stairs. Matt ran down and came to hug me. I was still in shock so I barely hugged back. “Rain, are you here to play?”
“No, little buddy,” I bent down slowly in front of him. “You’re gonna come stay with me for a little while. Is that okay.”
“Ya,” he called with his eyes wide open.
“Yeah,” I said.
“I’ll go help him pack,” said Zack.
Zack and Matt walked back upstairs. I looked at Rachel’s mother, Martha, and she seemed upset.
“I know he’s your grandson and you want him to stay with you, but this is what Rachel and my father wanted. I love Matt. He’s my little brother and I’ll take good care of him.” I took a piece of paper from the kitchen and a pen. I wrote down my mother’s address and number. I knew that this is where the three of us would have to stay for a while. “This is where I’ll be staying. My apartment is too small. It’s my mother’s house. You can call and come see Matt anytime that you want.”
Tears came down Martha’s face and she took the paper. Her daughter Karen, Rachel’s sister, took her and held her.
Zack came back down with Matt.
“Gramma, why you crying?” Matt asked.
“Because I’m sad, baby,” she said, sniffling. “I gotta go, baby, but I’ll see you soon okay. I’ll come visit you with Rain.”
“Okay,” he said.
The two of them hugged tightly. I grabbed the booster seat for the car and Zack took Matt by the hand and we walked out of the house to the car.
I put him in his seat, and when I was done, I couldn’t help but stop and take a look at Matt. He’s so young and innocent. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the forehead, “I love you little buddy.”
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