The Deadly Muses

How They Met

The 23-year-old contract killers had worked together for four years. Anita, Avalon and Athena had met in an old brick alleyway, where Avalon was facing a werewolf and losing. Anita and Athena had come to her rescue, stunning the werewolf long enough for Avalon to get the upper hand and shoot him. In the moments that had followed, each of the trio had felt that she knew the other two as if they were as close as sisters. Avalon invited her rescuers to a café where they relaxed and had a drink.
Athena was the black sheep of her family, and had been written out of her manipulating grandparent’s will for being a tomboy and having a ‘common’ boyfriend. Her grandparents had then made her mother and father disown her when she was eighteen. Athena had found it hard to support herself with a normal job, and fell into the habit of doing odd jobs for people in supernatural and killer circles. By the time she met Anita and Avalon she was an assassin with a reputation for being one of the best.
Anita had grown up as an adopted child in a family who neglected her for days at a time. As soon as she had turned eighteen she had accessed a trust fund left for her by her birth parents. She then travelled the world, looking for her real mother and experiencing life in other countries. At one point in her travels Anita had found herself smack-bang in the middle of the supernatural underworld and enjoying herself. A contract killer who often found new talent took her on and made her into ‘The Ghost’, untraceable, untouchable and deadly.
Avalon had had a happy home until she was fifteen. Her mother had disappeared and turned up dead. The police ruled it suicide but Avalon was convinced that she had been murdered. At eighteen she had obtained information about her mother’s death from the police and the morgue. She immersed herself in the world of killers, becoming one herself as she searched for her mother’s killer. As she worked she found herself enjoying her new world. Eventually Avalon tracked down the killer she was after, who was actually the werewolf Anita and Athena had found her with.
The women talked in the café for the entire afternoon, and found that they had similar goals concerning their careers as assassins. They began to consider working together, and exchanged contact details so that they could talk more the next day.
That night each of the killers dreamt about the other two. When they woke they found that they knew everything about each other from history to likes and dislikes to personality. When they met once again at the café, they decided to work together to stop the worst of the evil supernaturals. Avalon, Anita and Athena were nicknamed ‘The Deadly Muses’, for they were three of the scariest creature to ever walk the earth, yet they were strangely inspiring and everything they did was like music.