Status: Active

Don't Touch Her There

White memory room

White everywhere.
White walls.
White floor.
White ceiling.
Everything was white.

That’s what I saw. I was just walking around. It was like a maze. “Where the hell am I?”, I wondered.
The last thing I remember was being in the car, and I was crashing. And now, I’m walking in…White?
There were long white hallways. They seemed like they never ended. The white started fading slowly. But only the walls. Everything else was still white. The walls faded into mirrors. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked extremely pale, and I had a black eye, and blood on my face. My bottom lip was busted, and it looked like if my nose was broken. I just stared at the mirror. In shock. I slowly reached for the mirror. My hand went through, and I touched my face. I could feel my hands on my own face, and I could see it too.

I looked down for the first time since I had been walking around. I saw my arm. It was bent in a weird way. There was dried blood all over it. I looked back up at the mirror. Still in shock. My eyes grew wide as I felt a surge of pain. I bent forward, and grasped my arm. It slowly started bending back into place and then I heard it pop. I just stood there watching it all happen.

I studied my arm as the blood on it started to dissapear. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain on my nose. I looked up at the mirror as my nose started to shift. I started screaming, and then it stopped. The blood on my face started to dissapear.

I started to walk down the hallway. The walls started to get black. But the ceiling and floors stayed white. The black walls made the white stand out more. It was so bright.

There were pictures on the walls. Of…Me?

“What is this”, I asked out loud.

I kept walking, studying the pictures, one by one as I slowly continued to walk down the hall.

It finally clicked. They were memories.

There was my 5th birthday. When my brother brought his horse, and gave out horse rides.

And there’s my grandpa’s funeral. I was only about 7.

Then I came to that one picture.
There I was, laying down in the dark.
And there she was.
Laying next to me.
I shuddered, looking at it.
I wanted to go in there so badly, just to try to make myself scream and get someone’s attention. To STOP her. Maybe if I scream, someone in there could hear me.

I started screaming loudly. Over and over again. Getting louder. Soon enough, I started to hear beeping sounds. And people talking. I could hear someone yelling “Nurse! Nurse! Someone get a nurse!”.

Who was that? It sounded so familiar.

“Nurse, help! She’s moving around and thrashing. She’s screaming. What’s happening?!?!”, I heard again.


“Mom! Mom, I’m here! I’m here mom!”, I started to scream.

“It’s okay, Ms. Rivers., I gave her some medicine to calm down. It won’t happen again any time soon”, I heard another female say.

My hope was gone in a split second.

I could still hear them. I could hear my mom crying. And I could hear other crying voices. But I couldn’t recognize them. I started to ignore them.

I kept walking. So many memories. Happy ones, sad ones, funny ones. I decided to go back to that particular one. That one where I was trying to scream. I stood there. Watching for a moment.
I reached out to that memory. My hand went through, and before I knew it, I was there. In the room, standing by the bed. Watching. I didn’t know what to do. I just stood there for a while.

“STOP!”, I yelled out. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. I yelled some more. I yelled until I couldn’t talk anymore. I started crying. I turned around, and walked towards the white.

Soon enough, I was back at the black and white hallway.

I watched the memories pass by.

I laughed at some, I cried at some, and some, I just ignored.

After a while, I got tired, and sat down against a wall. I was thinking. Trying to figure out where I was. What had happened.

Okay, I was at the job interview. Then I got in the car. Then I heard the pop, and then the car flipped. But where am I now? I know my body’s at some hospital, but where am I?

I heard the voices louder.

I could hear someone crying. But it wasn’t my mom. It was a younger girl. Who was it?
I listened closer.

“I should have told her mom. I knew I should have. It’s all my fault. All my fault!”, I could here her sobbing.

Christina! It’s christina!

Just as I was about to yell our her name, I heard a man.

“It’s not your fault honey. It’s not. It was just a blowout. It’s no one’s fault. Shhh, it’s okay. Stop crying. It’s ok. She’s going to be fine.”, I heard him telling her.

“Mikey”, I said, as I smiled. Tears were rolling down my face like rivers.

“Are you okay”, I heard him ask someone.

“Yeah. Damn. I should have kept those pills with me! Fuck! How could I have been so damn stupid”, I heard the other person reply.

“Gerard”, I said.

“Try talking to her”, mikey said.

“What do I say”, Gerard asked.

“Just tell her what feels right. Some people say that when other people are in coma’s they can hear things going on around them”, mikey said.

“A COMA! What the fuck! No! I can’t be! No! Im’ not mikey! I’m here!”, I screamed. But they just kept talking. They couldn’t hear me.

“Okay”, Gerard said.
“Jen? Jen, I don’t know if you can hear me right now, but I really miss you.”, He said.

“I can hear you! I’m here Gerard! I’m here!”, I screamed as loud as I could.

“I know you can get through this.”, he said, his voice breaking. He sniffed a little bit.

I felt him grab my hand. I looked down at it. Nothing was there, but I felt it.

“I know I didn’t really tell you this, and I regret it, but Jen, I…” he paused, and started to cry out loud.

“You what? Tell me Gerard! You What!”, I started screaming. Tears rolling down faster.

“I love you”, He said, crying hard.
“I love you so much, and you don’t know just how much you mean to me”, He said, still crying.

I started crying out loud. “I love you too”, I said.

“Jen, Please, just do something. Let me know you can hear me. Please”, he said, crying.

I looked down at my hand. I squeezed slowly. Listening for his voice.

I heard his gasp.
“Mikey!”, he yelled. “She squeezed my hand! She fucking squeezed my hand! She CAN hear me!” he said, crying.

I started to squeeze it more.

“Jen! Baby!, Go towards my voice! Hurry!”, he said franticly.

I got up and started running towards the end of the hall where the walls looked lighter, and where his voice sounded louder.

“Hurry baby! I know you can do it! Go towards my voice!”, he yelled.

I ran as fast as I could.

“Open your eyes baby. Try. Try as hard as you can! Open your eyes Jen! Come on baby!”, he said, squeezing my hand.

I started to open them. I felt everything fading, as I saw my eyelids start to separate.
“Jen!”, I heard Gerard yell.

I pulled my eyelids further apart, and I soon saw Gerard’s tear-stained face.
♠ ♠ ♠
I, personally think this is a short chapter, but I felt like writing, so I updated.

Sorry for the shortness.

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